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Shannon Deminick edited this page Apr 1, 2015 · 3 revisions

After installation a new dashboard will be available in the Developer section:

BlogMl Dashboard


Most of the options are self explanatory apart from the regex match expressions. These are used to replace certain text in each imported blog post. A good example of this is if you are importing from BlogEngine.Net, you'll want to replace the image paths in the posts with new valid Umbraco images paths.

In this example, you'd want to upload your exported media/image files from BlogEngine.Net and add them to your Umbraco site's files. For this example, we'll upload all images to the folder:


This example will assume we are importing from the blog which have images/media paths prefixed with Then in the regex match expression we would use the expression:


In the regex replace you'd use:


And this will ensure that the image paths are now correct.

The last option: Export Disqus Xml is used if you want to import the comments from the BlogMl into your Disqus account. If you select this checkbox you will be presented with a link to download the XML to use to import comments to your Disqus account with the correct (new) blog post IDs.

Sample BlogMl files

Some people have been asking to see some sample BlogMl files as a reference, so here are 2 different samples:

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