To install RuuviCollector as a service and write collected data to an InfluxDB database, you can run from this directory after cloning the repo.
# Here's an example, you'd have to change the database URL, username, password,
# and database name accordingly to suit your deployment.
git clone
./RuuviCollector/service-setup/ -d "" -u ruuvi_user -p hunter2 -n ruuvitags
All files are installed into /opt/ruuvicollector
The setup script won't overwrite /opt/ruuvicollector/ if it exists, but it will update the configuration with any values passed in on the command line.
If there is not an existing /opt/ruuvicollector/ file, will look for a in the root of the git checkout. If you are restoring from a backup or a version control system, you would want to put your there in order for it to be installed.
If that is not present, which will typically be the case, will copy the example configuration to /opt/ruuvicollector/ and update it as needed.