This is a python project that is able to Listen, Speak and do actions on the basis of your command
First install the dependencies by using executing the command in Terminal by using :
pip install Requirement.txt
Then you have to install vosk api from here --> Then extrct it in this directory.
For working offline : Uses vosk api. A bit unaccurate.
open the Terminal in this directory and execute the commands :
cd .\Core python
Enter your name : ___
Enter 1 or 2 as per voice preference
Now it is ready to use....
For working online : Uses Speech_recognizer module. More accurate.
- Start offline mode first.
- Then say the command "start online mode"
Use the following commands for test :
'what is the time now' --- know the time
'what is the day/date today' --- know the day/date of that day
'search ___ from google/wikipedia/youtube' -- search some thing from as you wish
'tell me about ___' -- listen about something from wikipedia.
'open youtube' -- open YT for you
'play music' -- play 1st song in C:\Users\'USERPROFILE'\music