A ROS package to simulate a simple 5 DOF robotic arm in gazebo and also to control it using a Tkinter UI based controller.
*Robotic Arm Model *
The robotic arm is designed in Onshape, a CAD software. The model is then exported as a URDF file along with the mesh files using the onshape-to-robot
The ROS control plugin is used for controlling each joint in the robotic arm via a dedicated topic. The plugin also provides topics to tune the PID variables for each joint's control system.
The controller is created using Tkinter, a GUI module for python.
- Ubuntu 20.04
- ROS Noetic
For installing ROS refer to ROS Wiki
Create a catkin workspace
mkdir ros_ws
cd ros_ws
mkdir src
catkin build
To automatically source this workspace every time a new shell is launched, run these commands
echo "source ~/ros_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Clone the repository in the src
folder in the catkin workspace.
cd ~/ros_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/Sakshi-1606/Robotic_Arm.git
Navigate back to the workspace folder and build the packages.
cd ~/ros_ws
catkin build
To launch the gazebo simulation use the command
roslaunch roboticarm roboticarm_simulation.launch
To access the controller run the command
rosrun roboticarm arm_controller.py
This repository is licensed under the BSD-3-Clause License