There are 7 different resources on the matching engine REST API:
- accounts
- pairs
- tokens
- trades
- orderbook
- orders
- ohlcv
Retrieve the account information for a certain Ethereum address (mainly token balances)
Retrieve the token balance of a certain Ethereum address
- {userAddress} is the Ethereum address of a user/client wallet
- {tokenAddress} is the Ethereum address of a token (base or quote)
Retrieve the pair information corresponding to a baseToken and a quoteToken where:
- {baseToken} is the Ethereum address of a base token
- {quoteToken} is the Ethereum address of a quote token
Retrieve all pairs currently registered on the exchange
Retrieve pair data corresponding to a baseToken and quoteToken where
- {baseToken} is the Ethereum address of a base token
- {quoteToken} is the Ethereum address of a quote token
This endpoints returns the Open, High, Low, Close, Volume and Change for the last 24 hours as well as the last price.
Retrieve all tokens currently registered on the exchange
Retrieve all base tokens currently registered on the exchange
Retrieve all quote tokens currently registered on the exchange
Retrieve token information for a token at a certain address
- {address} is an Ethereum address
Retrieve the orderbook (amount and pricepoint) corresponding to a a baseToken and a quoteToken where:
- {baseToken} is the Ethereum address of a base token
- {quoteToken} is the Ethereum address of a quote token
Retrieve the orderbook (full raw orders, including fields such as hashes, maker, taker addresses, signatures, etc.) corresponding to a baseToken and a quoteToken.
- {baseToken} is the Ethereum address of a base token
- {quoteToken} is the Ethereum address of a quote token
Retrieve the sorted list of trades for an Ethereum address
- {address} is an Ethereum address
Retrieve all trades corresponding to a baseToken and a quoteToken
- {baseToken} is the Ethereum address of a base token
- {quoteToken} is the Ethereum address of a quote token
Retrieve the sorted list of orders for an Ethereum address
Retrieve the list of positions for an Ethereum address. Positions are order that have been sent to the matching engine and that are waiting to be matched
- {address} is an Ethereum address
Retrieve the list of filled order for an Ethereum address.
- {address} is an Ethereum address
GET /ohlcv?baseToken={baseToken}"eToken={quoteToken}&pairName={pairName}&unit={unit}&duration={duration}&from={from}&to={to}
Retrieve OHLCV data corresponding to a baseToken and a quoteToken.
- {baseToken} is the Ethereum address of a baseToken
- {quoteToken} is the Ethereum address of a quoteToken
- {pairName} is the pair name under the format {baseTokenSymbol}/{quoteTokenSymbol}(eg. "ZRX/WETH"). I believe this parameter is currently required but it's planned to be optional. The idea is for this parameter to be used for verifications purposes and the API to send back an eror if it does not correspond to a baseToken/quoteToken parameters
- {duration} is the duration (in units, see param below) of each candlestick
- {units} is the unit used to represent the above duration: "minute", "hour", "day", "week", "month"
- {from} is the beginning timestamp from which ohlcv data has to be queried
- {to} is the ending timestamp until which ohlcv data has to be queried