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Sean Taylor edited this page Oct 22, 2013 · 11 revisions

This page explains how to setup the BlackBerry Native SDK in order to compile gameplay for BlackBerry 10 and/or BlackBerry PlayBook.

Read the official BlackBerry Native SDK Getting Started Guide if you get stuck.

Install the Cross-platform Dependencies

Before you get started you will have to download the dependencies separately.

Download the BlackBerry 10.2 Native SDK

Available for Windows, Mac and Linux.

Install the BlackBerry 10.2 Native SDK

Get code signing keys and debug tokens

Before you can deploy your game onto a device, you need to get signing keys.

Run the Momentics IDE

Import the gameplay projects:

  • File > Import > Import Existing Projects
  • Browse...
  • Choose the base gameplay directory
  • Select all of the gameplay projects
  • Do not select Copy projects into workspace
  • Finish

Set the Build Configuration (if using the simulator)

For a device

To compile for a device, leave the Build Configuration at "Device-Debug". (Should be the default).

For the simulator

To compile for the simulator, set the Build Configuration to "Simulator" for each project.

Project > Build Configurations > Set Active > Simulator


Project > Build All

Enable Development Mode

For a device

On your device: Settings > Security > Development Mode > Use Development Mode

For the simulator

The simulator should be in development mode by default.

Set up the SDK and connect to your device or simulator

Run the BlackBerry Deployment Setup Wizard in Momentics

Window > Preferences > BlackBerry > BlackBerry Deployment Setup Wizard

If you get stuck, read Set up the SDK and connect to your device or simulator in the Getting Started Guide.

Running a sample

Right click the sample you want to run.

Run As > BlackBerry C/C++ Application