The Code is running on the Jetson Orin on GO2 and is controlled with the unitree joystick.
Install ROS2 foxy and the unitree ros package for Go2.
Create a Python virtual env and install the dependencies.
Install pytorch on a Python 3 environment.
conda create -n freq-hardware python==3.8 conda activate freq-hardware
Download the pip wheel file from here with v1.11.0 of JetPack 5. Then install it with
pip install torch-1.11.0-cp38-cp38-linux_aarch64.whl
from here in a new colcon_ws, where you prefer.pip install transformations pybase64 mkdir -p ros2_numpy_ws/src cd ros2_numpy_ws/src git clone https://github.com/nitesh-subedi/ros2_numpy.git cd ../ colcon build
Run the Controller.
- Put the robot on the ground, power on the robot, and turn off the builtin sport service.
- Launch a terminal onboard. Activate the Python environment, source the Unitree Ros workspace and ros2_numpy_ws workspace.
python go2_run_freq_interace_ab.py
- Currently, the robot will not actually move its motors. You may see the ros topics. If you want to let the robot move, you can add the argument
in the command line, but be careful. - User can switch the finite state machine with the buttons and control the commanded velocity with the joystick.