Sample Repo that can be forked to make it easier to create Scaife-ready collections. It is just a boilerplate to start your own CTS TEI EPIDOC XML text collections, after workin in LACE. The important part is the Scaife-Ready-Github Action in the workflows folder. After forking you need to go to your Github Action tab and activate the action. That should get you started.
If you need a more production ready workflow have a look at OGL Latin. The workflow there will automatically generate a Github release if the hooktest passes (which is one of the prerequisites to have a corpus that can be displayed at the OGL/Perseus Scaife Viewer. You can link your repo with Zenodo to then procude a DOI for your corpus and make it available to the community. .zenodo.json
file is included as an example to manage the Zenodo metadata. Change it as needed.
I have included a CTS TEI EPIDOC XM XML files from the Perseus Canonical Greek corpus, so you can see the Github Action in action.