A stack-oriented programming language written in python.
// Fibonacci in NumLang
var(a, 4)
var(b, 4) push(1) b store
var(c, 4)
push(0) while b load push(100) < do
b load print
a load c store // Store a in c
b load a store // Store b in a
c load b load + b store // Add c to b
push(1) +
end pop
// Variables in NumLang
var(age, 1) // Create a variable called age with a size of 1 byte (will be located at address 0)
push(17) age store // Store 17 in the variable age
age load // Load the value stored in age
print // Print the value stored in age
// Variables can be used in loops to keep track of the current iteration
var(i, 2) // Create a variable called i with a size of 3 bytes (will be located at address 1)
var(j, 1)
push(0) while dup push(1000) < do
i store // Store the current iteration in i
// Print the number if j is divisible by 11 or i is divisible by 15
j load push(11) % push(0) ==
i load push(15) % push(0) ==
i load print
j load push(3) +
j store
i load push(1) + // Increment i
end pop
For more examples, take a look at the numlang/examples