This file contains all available key bindings.
They are divided into the three modules: spacemacs, major and extra.
The spacemacs module key bindings are aligned with the spacemacs develop branch, because the
0.300 release is very near, but after that we plan to stay aligned with the
master branch.
Key binding | Description |
SPC SPC | Execute an action |
SPC TAB | Last buffer |
SPC ! | Open new terminal window |
SPC ' | Activate terminal window |
SPC * | Show usages |
SPC ; ; | Comment lines |
SPC ? | Show key bindings |
SPC / | Search in project files |
Key binding | Description |
SPC a k | Plugins marketplace |
SPC a o t | Show TODOs |
SPC a P | Show CPU usage |
SPC a p | List processes |
SPC a s | Open new terminal window |
Key binding | Description |
SPC b b | Recent files |
SPC b d | Close tab |
SPC b m | Show event log |
SPC b n | Next tab |
SPC b P | Copy clipboard to whole buffer |
SPC b p | Previous tab |
SPC b s | New scratch buffer |
SPC b u | Reopen closed tab |
SPC b x | Close window (with its tabs) |
SPC b Y | Copy whole buffer |
SPC b C-d | Close other tabs in current window |
Key binding | Description |
SPC C l | Pick color |
Key binding | Description |
SPC c C | Compile selected file, package or module |
SPC c c | Make project |
SPC c l | Comment lines |
SPC c m | Make module |
SPC c p | Comment paragraph |
SPC c t | Comment from begin of buffer up to current line |
SPC c y | Copy and comment current line |
Key binding | Description |
SPC e L | Inspect code |
SPC e l | List errors |
SPC e N | Previous error |
SPC e n | Next error |
SPC e p | Previous error |
SPC e R | Run inspection by name |
SPC e r | Resolve error |
SPC e s | Inspection settings |
SPC e x | Explain error |
Key binding | Description |
SPC F o | Focus next project |
Key binding | Description |
SPC f b | Show bookmarks |
SPC f e d | Settings |
SPC f e R | Reload ~/.ideavimrc |
SPC f F | Find files |
SPC f f | Find files |
SPC f g | Search in project |
SPC f R | Rename file |
SPC f r | Recent files |
SPC f S | Save all files |
SPC f s | Save file |
SPC f t | Project window |
SPC f y y | Copy file path |
Key binding | Description |
SPC g c | Git clone |
SPC g f l | Show current file log |
SPC g i | Git init |
SPC g s | Show local changes |
SPC g v + | Update project |
SPC g v g | Annotate |
SPC g v l | Show log |
Key binding | Description |
SPC h k | Show key bindings |
SPC h d b | Show key bindings |
SPC h d k | Show key bindings |
SPC h p | Visit Intellij Plugins Repository |
SPC h r | Visit Intellij documentation website |
SPC h SPC | Visit Intellij documentation website |
Key binding | Description |
SPC i j | Insert line below |
SPC i k | Insert line above |
SPC i l p | Insert lorem ipsum paragraph |
SPC i l s | Insert lorem ipsum sentence |
SPC i s | Insert snippet |
Key binding | Description |
SPC j = | Reformat code |
SPC j D | Project window |
SPC j d | Project window |
SPC j j | Jump to character (AceJump required) |
SPC j l | Jump to line (AceJump required) |
SPC j n | Insert new line and move down |
SPC j o | Insert new line |
Key binding | Description |
SPC n + | Increment number |
SPC n = | Increment number |
SPC n - | Decrement number |
Key binding | Description |
SPC p ! | Activate terminal window |
SPC p a | Toggle between implementation and test |
SPC p b | Recent files |
SPC p h | Recent files |
SPC p r | Recent files |
SPC p c | Make project |
SPC p D | Project window |
SPC p t | Project window |
SPC p f | Find files |
SPC p I | Invalidate cache |
SPC p p | Recent projects |
SPC p R | Replace in path |
SPC p T | Rerun tests |
SPC p v | Show local changes |
Key binding | Description |
SPC q f | Close project |
SPC q q | Close project |
SPC q Q | Exit (close all projects) |
SPC q r | Restart |
SPC q R | Invalidate cache |
SPC q s | Save all and close project |
Key binding | Description |
SPC r b | Recent files |
SPC r B | Recent files |
SPC r e | Show registers |
SPC r s | Search in project |
SPC r y | Show kill ring |
Key binding | Description |
SPC s c | Clear search highlights |
SPC s e | Rename symbol |
SPC s h | Toggle highlight current symbol |
SPC s l | Search in project |
SPC s P | Find usages |
SPC s p | Search in project |
SPC s s | Search in project |
Key binding | Description |
SPC T t | Toggle distraction free mode |
Key binding | Description |
SPC t i | Toggle show indent guide |
SPC t l | Toggle truncate lines |
SPC t n | Toggle line numbers |
SPC t r | Toggle relative line numbers |
SPC t w | Toggle show whitespaces |
Key binding | Description |
SPC x c | Count words and characters |
SPC x w c | Count words and characters |
SPC x d SPC | Delete all spaces except one |
SPC x i | String inflection (CamelCase plugin required) |
SPC x J | Move lines down |
SPC x K | Move lines up |
SPC x t c | Transpose characters |
SPC x t l | Transpose lines |
SPC x U | Upcase region |
SPC x u | Downcase region |
Key binding | Description |
SPC w / | Split window right |
SPC w v | Split window right |
SPC w - | Split window below |
SPC w s | Split window below |
SPC w d | Close window (with its tabs) |
SPC w x | Close window (with its tabs) |
SPC w h | Focus window left |
SPC w LEFT | Focus window left |
SPC w j | Focus window down |
SPC w DOWN | Focus window down |
SPC w k | Focus window up |
SPC w UP | Focus window up |
SPC w l | Focus window right |
SPC w RIGHT | Focus window right |
SPC w o | Focus next project |
SPC w p m | Show Event Log window |
SPC w S | Split window below and focus |
SPC w V | Split window right and focus |
SPC w w | Focus next window |
SPC w m | Toggle maximize window |
Key binding | Description |
SPC z x + | Increase font size |
SPC z x = | Increase font size |
SPC z x - | Decrease font size |
SPC z x 0 | Reset font size |
Key binding | Description |
g, | Go to next change |
g; | Go to last change |
gd | Go to declaration |
zm | Collapse all folds |
zr | Open all folds |
C-i | Jump to previously visited location |
C-o | Jump to lately visited location |
M-x | Execute an action |
Key binding | Description |
SPC m = | Reformat code |
Key binding | Description |
SPC m c C | Compile selected file, package or module |
SPC m c c | Make project |
Key binding | Description |
SPC m d B | View breakpoints |
SPC m d b | Toggle breakpoint |
SPC m d C | Clear all breakpoints |
SPC m d c | Continue (Go to next breakpoint) |
SPC m d D | Debug class |
SPC m d d | Debug |
SPC m d n | Next (Step over) |
SPC m d o | Step out (same as “finish” in gdb) |
SPC m d r | Select configuration and debug |
SPC m d s | Step (Step into) |
Key binding | Description |
SPC m g g | Go to declaration |
SPC m g i | Go to implementation |
SPC m g t | Go to type declaration |
SPC m g [ | Go to code block start |
SPC m g ] | Go to code block end |
Key binding | Description |
SPC m h c | Call hierarchy |
SPC m h H | Show implementation |
SPC m h h | Show documentation |
SPC m h i | Inheritance hierarchy |
SPC m h t | Type definition |
SPC m h U | Show usages |
SPC m h u | Find usages |
Key binding | Description |
SPC m p b | Make project |
SPC m p c | Create project |
SPC m p i | Import project |
SPC m p o | Open project |
SPC m p r | Run project |
Key binding | Description |
SPC m r C | Code cleanup |
SPC m r c | Create constructor |
SPC m r e m | Extract method |
SPC m r e s | Extract superclass |
SPC m r G | Generate getter and setter |
SPC m r g | Select what to generate |
SPC m r I | Implement Methods |
SPC m r i | Optimize imports |
SPC m r N | Create a new Element |
SPC m r n | Create a new class. Also enum, interface and more. |
SPC m r R | Choose a refactoring action |
SPC m r r | Rename symbol |
Key binding | Description |
SPC [ | Go to code block start |
SPC ] | Go to code block end |
Key binding | Description |
SPC a t | Show TODOs |
Key binding | Description |
SPC B l | List bookmarks |
SPC B N | Previous bookmark |
SPC B n | Next bookmark |
SPC B p | Previous bookmark |
SPC B T | Toggle bookmark with mnemonic |
SPC B t | Toggle bookmark |
Key binding | Description |
SPC b 0 | Go to first tab |
SPC b $ | Go to last tab |
SPC b j | Previous tab |
SPC b k | Next tab |
SPC b t | Pin tab |
Key binding | Description |
SPC c b | Block comment |
Key binding | Description |
SPC e L | Inspect code |
SPC e r | Resolve error |
SPC e s | Inspection settings |
Key binding | Description |
SPC F O | Focus previous project |
Key binding | Description |
SPC f N | Create a new Element |
SPC f n | Create a new class. Also enum, interface and more. |
Key binding | Description |
SPC g b | Git branches (checkout) |
SPC g G | Version control tool window |
SPC g g | Select a version control operation |
SPC g p | Push |
SPC g S | Show shelf |
Key binding | Description |
SPC h a | Show action list |
SPC h h | Show changes in current file |
SPC h v | Visit JetBrains youtube channel |
Key binding | Description |
SPC j c | Jump to class |
SPC j e | Jump to element in current file |
SPC j s | Jump to symbol |
Key binding | Description |
SPC R a | Run Anything |
SPC R c | Run class |
SPC R k | Stop application (Kill) |
SPC R r | Run |
SPC R s | Select configuration and run |
Key binding | Description |
SPC s E | Search everywhere |
SPC s f | Search in current file |
SPC s r | Replace in current file |
Key binding | Description |
SPC T m | Hide all windows except the ones with code |
SPC T p | Toggle presentation mode |
SPC T T | Toggle presentation or distraction free mode |
Key binding | Description |
SPC t g | Toggle Gutter icons |
SPC t p | Toggle power save |
Key binding | Description |
SPC w H | Focus window far left |
SPC w J | Focus window very bottom |
SPC w K | Focus window very top |
SPC w L | Focus window far right |
SPC w O | Move tab to the opposite window |
Key binding | Description |
SPC z + | Increase font size |
SPC z = | Increase font size |
SPC z - | Decrease font size |
SPC z 0 | Reset font size |