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507 lines (408 loc) · 17.6 KB

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507 lines (408 loc) · 17.6 KB

Key bindings

This file contains all available key bindings. They are divided into the three modules: spacemacs, major and extra.

The spacemacs module key bindings are aligned with the spacemacs develop branch, because the 0.300 release is very near, but after that we plan to stay aligned with the master branch.



Key bindingDescription
SPC SPCExecute an action
SPC TABLast buffer
SPC !Open new terminal window
SPC 'Activate terminal window
SPC *Show usages
SPC ; ;Comment lines
SPC ?Show key bindings
SPC /Search in project files


Key bindingDescription
SPC a kPlugins marketplace
SPC a o tShow TODOs
SPC a PShow CPU usage
SPC a pList processes
SPC a sOpen new terminal window


Key bindingDescription
SPC b bRecent files
SPC b dClose tab
SPC b mShow event log
SPC b nNext tab
SPC b PCopy clipboard to whole buffer
SPC b pPrevious tab
SPC b sNew scratch buffer
SPC b uReopen closed tab
SPC b xClose window (with its tabs)
SPC b YCopy whole buffer
SPC b C-dClose other tabs in current window


Key bindingDescription
SPC C lPick color


Key bindingDescription
SPC c CCompile selected file, package or module
SPC c cMake project
SPC c lComment lines
SPC c mMake module
SPC c pComment paragraph
SPC c tComment from begin of buffer up to current line
SPC c yCopy and comment current line


Key bindingDescription
SPC e LInspect code
SPC e lList errors
SPC e NPrevious error
SPC e nNext error
SPC e pPrevious error
SPC e RRun inspection by name
SPC e rResolve error
SPC e sInspection settings
SPC e xExplain error


Key bindingDescription
SPC F oFocus next project


Key bindingDescription
SPC f bShow bookmarks
SPC f e dSettings
SPC f e RReload ~/.ideavimrc
SPC f FFind files
SPC f fFind files
SPC f gSearch in project
SPC f RRename file
SPC f rRecent files
SPC f SSave all files
SPC f sSave file
SPC f tProject window
SPC f y yCopy file path

git/versions control

Key bindingDescription
SPC g cGit clone
SPC g f lShow current file log
SPC g iGit init
SPC g sShow local changes
SPC g v +Update project
SPC g v gAnnotate
SPC g v lShow log


Key bindingDescription
SPC h kShow key bindings
SPC h d bShow key bindings
SPC h d kShow key bindings
SPC h pVisit Intellij Plugins Repository
SPC h rVisit Intellij documentation website
SPC h SPCVisit Intellij documentation website


Key bindingDescription
SPC i jInsert line below
SPC i kInsert line above
SPC i l pInsert lorem ipsum paragraph
SPC i l sInsert lorem ipsum sentence
SPC i sInsert snippet


Key bindingDescription
SPC j =Reformat code
SPC j DProject window
SPC j dProject window
SPC j jJump to character (AceJump required)
SPC j lJump to line (AceJump required)
SPC j nInsert new line and move down
SPC j oInsert new line


Key bindingDescription
SPC n +Increment number
SPC n =Increment number
SPC n -Decrement number


Key bindingDescription
SPC p !Activate terminal window
SPC p aToggle between implementation and test
SPC p bRecent files
SPC p hRecent files
SPC p rRecent files
SPC p cMake project
SPC p DProject window
SPC p tProject window
SPC p fFind files
SPC p IInvalidate cache
SPC p pRecent projects
SPC p RReplace in path
SPC p TRerun tests
SPC p vShow local changes


Key bindingDescription
SPC q fClose project
SPC q qClose project
SPC q QExit (close all projects)
SPC q rRestart
SPC q RInvalidate cache
SPC q sSave all and close project


Key bindingDescription
SPC r bRecent files
SPC r BRecent files
SPC r eShow registers
SPC r sSearch in project
SPC r yShow kill ring


Key bindingDescription
SPC s cClear search highlights
SPC s eRename symbol
SPC s hToggle highlight current symbol
SPC s lSearch in project
SPC s PFind usages
SPC s pSearch in project
SPC s sSearch in project

UI toogles/themes

Key bindingDescription
SPC T tToggle distraction free mode


Key bindingDescription
SPC t iToggle show indent guide
SPC t lToggle truncate lines
SPC t nToggle line numbers
SPC t rToggle relative line numbers
SPC t wToggle show whitespaces


Key bindingDescription
SPC x cCount words and characters
SPC x w cCount words and characters
SPC x d SPCDelete all spaces except one
SPC x iString inflection (CamelCase plugin required)
SPC x JMove lines down
SPC x KMove lines up
SPC x t cTranspose characters
SPC x t lTranspose lines
SPC x UUpcase region
SPC x uDowncase region


Key bindingDescription
SPC w /Split window right
SPC w vSplit window right
SPC w -Split window below
SPC w sSplit window below
SPC w dClose window (with its tabs)
SPC w xClose window (with its tabs)
SPC w hFocus window left
SPC w LEFTFocus window left
SPC w jFocus window down
SPC w DOWNFocus window down
SPC w kFocus window up
SPC w UPFocus window up
SPC w lFocus window right
SPC w RIGHTFocus window right
SPC w oFocus next project
SPC w p mShow Event Log window
SPC w SSplit window below and focus
SPC w VSplit window right and focus
SPC w wFocus next window
SPC w mToggle maximize window


Key bindingDescription
SPC z x +Increase font size
SPC z x =Increase font size
SPC z x -Decrease font size
SPC z x 0Reset font size


Key bindingDescription
g,Go to next change
g;Go to last change
gdGo to declaration
zmCollapse all folds
zrOpen all folds
C-iJump to previously visited location
C-oJump to lately visited location
M-xExecute an action



Key bindingDescription
SPC m =Reformat code


Key bindingDescription
SPC m c CCompile selected file, package or module
SPC m c cMake project


Key bindingDescription
SPC m d BView breakpoints
SPC m d bToggle breakpoint
SPC m d CClear all breakpoints
SPC m d cContinue (Go to next breakpoint)
SPC m d DDebug class
SPC m d dDebug
SPC m d nNext (Step over)
SPC m d oStep out (same as “finish” in gdb)
SPC m d rSelect configuration and debug
SPC m d sStep (Step into)


Key bindingDescription
SPC m g gGo to declaration
SPC m g iGo to implementation
SPC m g tGo to type declaration
SPC m g [Go to code block start
SPC m g ]Go to code block end


Key bindingDescription
SPC m h cCall hierarchy
SPC m h HShow implementation
SPC m h hShow documentation
SPC m h iInheritance hierarchy
SPC m h tType definition
SPC m h UShow usages
SPC m h uFind usages


Key bindingDescription
SPC m p bMake project
SPC m p cCreate project
SPC m p iImport project
SPC m p oOpen project
SPC m p rRun project


Key bindingDescription
SPC m r CCode cleanup
SPC m r cCreate constructor
SPC m r e mExtract method
SPC m r e sExtract superclass
SPC m r GGenerate getter and setter
SPC m r gSelect what to generate
SPC m r IImplement Methods
SPC m r iOptimize imports
SPC m r NCreate a new Element
SPC m r nCreate a new class. Also enum, interface and more.
SPC m r RChoose a refactoring action
SPC m r rRename symbol



Key bindingDescription
SPC [Go to code block start
SPC ]Go to code block end


Key bindingDescription
SPC a tShow TODOs


Key bindingDescription
SPC B lList bookmarks
SPC B NPrevious bookmark
SPC B nNext bookmark
SPC B pPrevious bookmark
SPC B TToggle bookmark with mnemonic
SPC B tToggle bookmark


Key bindingDescription
SPC b 0Go to first tab
SPC b $Go to last tab
SPC b jPrevious tab
SPC b kNext tab
SPC b tPin tab


Key bindingDescription
SPC c bBlock comment


Key bindingDescription
SPC e LInspect code
SPC e rResolve error
SPC e sInspection settings


Key bindingDescription
SPC F OFocus previous project


Key bindingDescription
SPC f NCreate a new Element
SPC f nCreate a new class. Also enum, interface and more.

git/versions control

Key bindingDescription
SPC g bGit branches (checkout)
SPC g GVersion control tool window
SPC g gSelect a version control operation
SPC g pPush
SPC g SShow shelf


Key bindingDescription
SPC h aShow action list
SPC h hShow changes in current file
SPC h vVisit JetBrains youtube channel


Key bindingDescription
SPC j cJump to class
SPC j eJump to element in current file
SPC j sJump to symbol


Key bindingDescription
SPC R aRun Anything
SPC R cRun class
SPC R kStop application (Kill)
SPC R rRun
SPC R sSelect configuration and run


Key bindingDescription
SPC s ESearch everywhere
SPC s fSearch in current file
SPC s rReplace in current file

UI toggles/themes

Key bindingDescription
SPC T mHide all windows except the ones with code
SPC T pToggle presentation mode
SPC T TToggle presentation or distraction free mode


Key bindingDescription
SPC t gToggle Gutter icons
SPC t pToggle power save


Key bindingDescription
SPC w HFocus window far left
SPC w JFocus window very bottom
SPC w KFocus window very top
SPC w LFocus window far right
SPC w OMove tab to the opposite window


Key bindingDescription
SPC z +Increase font size
SPC z =Increase font size
SPC z -Decrease font size
SPC z 0Reset font size