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Shrynk - A simple implementation of a URL shortener similar to bit.ly, tiny.url, etc. Users can create and manage multiple URLs. The application provides a short url, which can be used to access the desired website.
Version 1.0
- User can login to his/her account
- Users can generate multiple short URLs.
- Once the user logs in, he/she could see the list of short URLs the user has generated.
- Python
and above. - Other python library dependencies specified in the
Change directory to project root
Python Virtual Enviornment
2.1. Create Python Virtual Enviornment by
virtualenv "env name"
here we have used "Swizzl" as the name of the virtual enviornment. So, typevirtualenv Shrynk
.2.2. Activate the virtual enviornment by
source "env name"/bin/activate
which issource Shrynk/bin/activate
here. -
Start the Application
python run.py
export FLASK_APP=run.py flask run
Log-in or Register in the application
to shorten url. -
to view all shortened urls and other info*.
Note: This is a rudimentary implementation of a url shrinking API. No sys-design concepts/factors were considered while making.