diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index c8d1030..f631c51 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,38 +1,54 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3)
-find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS roscpp std_msgs std_srvs geometry_msgs nav_msgs tf dynamic_reconfigure message_generation)
-include_directories(include ${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS})
-if(POLICY CMP0054)
- cmake_policy(SET CMP0054 NEW)
-find_package(gazebo REQUIRED)
+find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS
+ gazebo_dev
+ gazebo_msgs
+ roscpp
+ nodelet
+ sensor_msgs
+ urdf
+ tf
+ tf2_ros
+ rosconsole
+ diagnostic_updater
+ std_msgs
+ gazebo_ros
+ image_transport
+ camera_info_manager
find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS thread)
- SetBias.srv
+# find_package(gazebo REQUIRED)
- DEPENDENCIES geometry_msgs
+ ${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS}
+ ${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS}
- cfg/SensorModel.cfg
+ ${catkin_LIBRARY_DIRS}
- CATKIN_DEPENDS roscpp std_msgs geometry_msgs nav_msgs tf message_runtime
- INCLUDE_DIRS include
+ INCLUDE_DIRS include
+ message_runtime
+ gazebo_msgs
+ roscpp
+ nodelet
+ geometry_msgs
+ sensor_msgs
+ urdf
+ tf
+ tf2_ros
+ rosconsole
+ std_msgs
+ gazebo_ros
+ image_transport
+ camera_info_manager
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 143f244..3325f3f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
-# realsense_ros_gazebo
-Intel Realsense Tracking and Depth camera simulations
+# Intel RealSense Gazebo/ROS
+Intel Realsense Tracking and Depth camera simulations and URDF macros.
+## RealSense T265 ##
-# Realsense T265 #
### Usage ###
@@ -14,20 +17,15 @@ Intel Realsense Tracking and Depth camera simulations
### Publishers ###
-* /camera/**fisheye1**/camera_info
-* /camera/fisheye1/image_raw
-* /camera/fisheye1/image_raw/compressed
-* /camera/fisheye1/parameter_descriptions
-* /camera/fisheye1/parameter_updates
-* /camera/fisheye2/camera_info
-* /camera/fisheye2/image_raw
-* /camera/fisheye2/image_raw/compressed
-* /camera/fisheye2/parameter_descriptions
-* /camera/fisheye2/parameter_updates
+* /camera/**fisheye1**/*
+* /camera/**fisheye2**/*
* /camera/**gyro**/sample _( accel and gyro are in the same imu message )_
* /camera/**odom**/sample
-# Realsense R200 #
+## RealSense R200 ##
### Usage ###
@@ -41,4 +39,30 @@ Intel Realsense Tracking and Depth camera simulations
### Publishers ###
+* /camera/**color**/*
+* /camera/**depth**/*
+* /camera/**infra1**/*
+* /camera/**infra2**/*
+## RealSense D435
+### Usage ###
+### Publishers ###
+* /camera/**color**/*
+* /camera/**depth**/*
+* /camera/**infra1**/*
+* /camera/**infra2**/*
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/cfg/SensorModel.cfg b/cfg/SensorModel.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 53b9a7f..0000000
--- a/cfg/SensorModel.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-PACKAGE = "nowtech_sensor_models"
-from dynamic_reconfigure.parameter_generator_catkin import *
-gen = ParameterGenerator()
-gen.add("gaussian_noise", double_t, 1, "Standard deviation of the additive white Gaussian noise", 0.0, 0.0, 10.0)
-gen.add("offset", double_t, 1, "Zero-offset of the published sensor signal", 0.0, -10.0, 10.0)
-gen.add("drift", double_t, 1, "Standard deviation of the sensor drift", 0.0, 0.0, 10.0)
-gen.add("drift_frequency", double_t, 1, "Reciprocal of the time constant of the first-order drift model in Hz", 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
-gen.add("scale_error", double_t, 1, "Scale error", 1.0, 0.0, 2.0)
-exit(gen.generate(PACKAGE, "nowtech_sensor_models", "SensorModel"))
diff --git a/doc/d435.png b/doc/d435.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbabbd2
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/d435.png differ
diff --git a/include/realsense_gazebo_plugin/RealSensePlugin.h b/include/realsense_gazebo_plugin/RealSensePlugin.h
index fe8e61f..82c6315 100644
--- a/include/realsense_gazebo_plugin/RealSensePlugin.h
+++ b/include/realsense_gazebo_plugin/RealSensePlugin.h
@@ -25,92 +25,115 @@
+namespace gazebo {
+#define DEPTH_CAMERA_NAME "depth"
+#define COLOR_CAMERA_NAME "color"
+#define IRED1_CAMERA_NAME "ired1"
+#define IRED2_CAMERA_NAME "ired2"
+struct CameraParams {
+ CameraParams() {}
+ std::string topic_name;
+ std::string camera_info_topic_name;
+ std::string optical_frame;
+/// \brief A plugin that simulates Real Sense camera streams.
+class RealSensePlugin : public ModelPlugin {
+ /// \brief Constructor.
+ RealSensePlugin();
+ /// \brief Destructor.
+ ~RealSensePlugin();
+ // Documentation Inherited.
+ virtual void Load(physics::ModelPtr _model, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf);
-namespace gazebo
+ /// \brief Callback for the World Update event.
+ void OnUpdate();
- #define DEPTH_CAMERA_NAME "depth"
- #define COLOR_CAMERA_NAME "color"
- #define IRED1_CAMERA_NAME "ired1"
- #define IRED2_CAMERA_NAME "ired2"
+ /// \brief Callback that publishes a received Depth Camera Frame as an
+ /// ImageStamped
+ /// message.
+ virtual void OnNewDepthFrame();
- /// \brief A plugin that simulates Real Sense camera streams.
- class RealSensePlugin : public ModelPlugin
- {
- /// \brief Constructor.
- public: RealSensePlugin();
+ /// \brief Callback that publishes a received Camera Frame as an
+ /// ImageStamped message.
+ virtual void OnNewFrame(const rendering::CameraPtr cam,
+ const transport::PublisherPtr pub);
- /// \brief Destructor.
- public: ~RealSensePlugin();
+ /// \brief Pointer to the model containing the plugin.
+ physics::ModelPtr rsModel;
- // Documentation Inherited.
- public: virtual void Load(physics::ModelPtr _model, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf);
+ /// \brief Pointer to the world.
+ physics::WorldPtr world;
- /// \brief Callback for the World Update event.
- public: void OnUpdate();
+ /// \brief Pointer to the Depth Camera Renderer.
+ rendering::DepthCameraPtr depthCam;
- /// \brief Callback that publishes a received Depth Camera Frame as an
- /// ImageStamped
- /// message.
- public: virtual void OnNewDepthFrame();
+ /// \brief Pointer to the Color Camera Renderer.
+ rendering::CameraPtr colorCam;
- /// \brief Callback that publishes a received Camera Frame as an
- /// ImageStamped message.
- public: virtual void OnNewFrame(const rendering::CameraPtr cam,
- const transport::PublisherPtr pub);
+ /// \brief Pointer to the Infrared Camera Renderer.
+ rendering::CameraPtr ired1Cam;
- /// \brief Pointer to the model containing the plugin.
- protected: physics::ModelPtr rsModel;
+ /// \brief Pointer to the Infrared2 Camera Renderer.
+ rendering::CameraPtr ired2Cam;
- /// \brief Pointer to the world.
- protected: physics::WorldPtr world;
+ /// \brief String to hold the camera prefix
+ std::string prefix;
- /// \brief Pointer to the Depth Camera Renderer.
- protected: rendering::DepthCameraPtr depthCam;
+ /// \brief Pointer to the transport Node.
+ transport::NodePtr transportNode;
- /// \brief Pointer to the Color Camera Renderer.
- protected: rendering::CameraPtr colorCam;
+ // \brief Store Real Sense depth map data.
+ std::vector depthMap;
- /// \brief Pointer to the Infrared Camera Renderer.
- protected: rendering::CameraPtr ired1Cam;
+ /// \brief Pointer to the Depth Publisher.
+ transport::PublisherPtr depthPub;
- /// \brief Pointer to the Infrared2 Camera Renderer.
- protected: rendering::CameraPtr ired2Cam;
+ /// \brief Pointer to the Color Publisher.
+ transport::PublisherPtr colorPub;
- /// \brief Pointer to the transport Node.
- protected: transport::NodePtr transportNode;
+ /// \brief Pointer to the Infrared Publisher.
+ transport::PublisherPtr ired1Pub;
- // \brief Store Real Sense depth map data.
- protected: std::vector depthMap;
+ /// \brief Pointer to the Infrared2 Publisher.
+ transport::PublisherPtr ired2Pub;
- /// \brief Pointer to the Depth Publisher.
- protected: transport::PublisherPtr depthPub;
+ /// \brief Pointer to the Depth Camera callback connection.
+ event::ConnectionPtr newDepthFrameConn;
- /// \brief Pointer to the Color Publisher.
- protected: transport::PublisherPtr colorPub;
+ /// \brief Pointer to the Depth Camera callback connection.
+ event::ConnectionPtr newIred1FrameConn;
- /// \brief Pointer to the Infrared Publisher.
- protected: transport::PublisherPtr ired1Pub;
+ /// \brief Pointer to the Infrared Camera callback connection.
+ event::ConnectionPtr newIred2FrameConn;
- /// \brief Pointer to the Infrared2 Publisher.
- protected: transport::PublisherPtr ired2Pub;
+ /// \brief Pointer to the Color Camera callback connection.
+ event::ConnectionPtr newColorFrameConn;
- /// \brief Pointer to the Depth Camera callback connection.
- protected: event::ConnectionPtr newDepthFrameConn;
+ /// \brief Pointer to the World Update event connection.
+ event::ConnectionPtr updateConnection;
- /// \brief Pointer to the Depth Camera callback connection.
- protected: event::ConnectionPtr newIred1FrameConn;
+ std::map cameraParamsMap_;
- /// \brief Pointer to the Infrared Camera callback connection.
- protected: event::ConnectionPtr newIred2FrameConn;
+ bool pointCloud_ = false;
+ std::string pointCloudTopic_;
+ double pointCloudCutOff_, pointCloudCutOffMax_;
- /// \brief Pointer to the Color Camera callback connection.
- protected: event::ConnectionPtr newColorFrameConn;
+ double colorUpdateRate_;
+ double infraredUpdateRate_;
+ double depthUpdateRate_;
- /// \brief Pointer to the World Update event connection.
- protected: event::ConnectionPtr updateConnection;
- };
+ float rangeMinDepth_;
+ float rangeMaxDepth_;
diff --git a/include/realsense_gazebo_plugin/gazebo_ros_realsense.h b/include/realsense_gazebo_plugin/gazebo_ros_realsense.h
index 3cebd63..a1268f5 100644
--- a/include/realsense_gazebo_plugin/gazebo_ros_realsense.h
+++ b/include/realsense_gazebo_plugin/gazebo_ros_realsense.h
@@ -6,47 +6,65 @@
+namespace gazebo {
+/// \brief A plugin that simulates Real Sense camera streams.
+class GazeboRosRealsense : public RealSensePlugin {
+ /// \brief Constructor.
+ GazeboRosRealsense();
+ /// \brief Destructor.
+ ~GazeboRosRealsense();
+ // Documentation Inherited.
+ virtual void Load(physics::ModelPtr _model, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf);
-namespace gazebo
- /// \brief A plugin that simulates Real Sense camera streams.
- class GazeboRosRealsense : public RealSensePlugin
- {
- /// \brief Constructor.
- public: GazeboRosRealsense();
+ /// \brief Callback that publishes a received Depth Camera Frame as an
+ /// ImageStamped message.
+ virtual void OnNewDepthFrame();
- /// \brief Destructor.
- public: ~GazeboRosRealsense();
+ /// \brief Helper function to fill the pointcloud information
+ bool FillPointCloudHelper(sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 &point_cloud_msg, uint32_t rows_arg,
+ uint32_t cols_arg, uint32_t step_arg, void *data_arg);
- // Documentation Inherited.
- public: virtual void Load(physics::ModelPtr _model, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf);
+ /// \brief Callback that publishes a received Camera Frame as an
+ /// ImageStamped message.
+ virtual void OnNewFrame(const rendering::CameraPtr cam,
+ const transport::PublisherPtr pub);
- /// \brief Callback that publishes a received Depth Camera Frame as an
- /// ImageStamped message.
- public: virtual void OnNewDepthFrame();
+ boost::shared_ptr
+ camera_info_manager_;
- /// \brief Callback that publishes a received Camera Frame as an
- /// ImageStamped message.
- public: virtual void OnNewFrame(const rendering::CameraPtr cam,
- const transport::PublisherPtr pub);
+ /// \brief A pointer to the ROS node.
+ /// A node will be instantiated if it does not exist.
+ ros::NodeHandle *rosnode_;
- protected: boost::shared_ptr camera_info_manager_;
+ image_transport::ImageTransport *itnode_;
+ ros::Publisher pointcloud_pub_;
- /// \brief A pointer to the ROS node.
- /// A node will be instantiated if it does not exist.
- protected: ros::NodeHandle* rosnode_;
- private: image_transport::ImageTransport* itnode_;
- protected: image_transport::CameraPublisher color_pub_, ir1_pub_, ir2_pub_, depth_pub_;
+ image_transport::CameraPublisher color_pub_, ir1_pub_, ir2_pub_, depth_pub_;
- /// \brief ROS image messages
- protected: sensor_msgs::Image image_msg_, depth_msg_;
- };
+ /// \brief ROS image messages
+ sensor_msgs::Image image_msg_, depth_msg_;
+ sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 pointcloud_msg_;
diff --git a/launch/description.launch b/launch/description.launch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d689ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/launch/description.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/meshes/realsense_d435.stl b/meshes/realsense_d435.stl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7de1469
Binary files /dev/null and b/meshes/realsense_d435.stl differ
diff --git a/meshes/realsense_camera/materials/textures/realsense_diffuse.png b/meshes/realsense_r200/materials/textures/realsense_diffuse.png
similarity index 100%
rename from meshes/realsense_camera/materials/textures/realsense_diffuse.png
rename to meshes/realsense_r200/materials/textures/realsense_diffuse.png
diff --git a/meshes/realsense_camera/meshes/realsense.dae b/meshes/realsense_r200/meshes/realsense.dae
similarity index 100%
rename from meshes/realsense_camera/meshes/realsense.dae
rename to meshes/realsense_r200/meshes/realsense.dae
diff --git a/meshes/realsense_camera/model.config b/meshes/realsense_r200/model.config
similarity index 100%
rename from meshes/realsense_camera/model.config
rename to meshes/realsense_r200/model.config
diff --git a/meshes/realsense_camera/model.sdf b/meshes/realsense_r200/model.sdf
similarity index 100%
rename from meshes/realsense_camera/model.sdf
rename to meshes/realsense_r200/model.sdf
diff --git a/package.xml b/package.xml
index 22b6e66..4053270 100644
--- a/package.xml
+++ b/package.xml
@@ -1,33 +1,39 @@
- 0.1.0
+ 1.2.0
Intel Realsense Camera Simulations
- nils
- NO
- nils
- catkin
+ Sergey Dorodnicov
+ Doron Hirshberg
+ Marton Juhasz
+ Apache 2.0
- roscpp
+ nilseuropa
+ catkin
- std_msgs
- std_srvs
- geometry_msgs
- nav_msgs
- tf
- dynamic_reconfigure
- roscpp
- gazebo
- gazebo_ros
- gazebo_plugins
- std_msgs
- std_srvs
- geometry_msgs
- nav_msgs
- tf
- dynamic_reconfigure
- message_runtime
+ gazebo_msgs
+ geometry_msgs
+ sensor_msgs
+ roscpp
+ nodelet
+ urdf
+ tf
+ tf2_ros
+ rosconsole
+ diagnostic_updater
+ std_msgs
+ gazebo_ros
+ image_transport
+ camera_info_manager
+ gazebo
+ message_runtime
diff --git a/src/RealSensePlugin.cpp b/src/RealSensePlugin.cpp
index 29fc2cd..b86e9f3 100644
--- a/src/RealSensePlugin.cpp
+++ b/src/RealSensePlugin.cpp
@@ -19,43 +19,110 @@
-#define DEPTH_PUB_FREQ_HZ 60
-#define COLOR_PUB_FREQ_HZ 60
-#define IRED1_PUB_FREQ_HZ 60
-#define IRED2_PUB_FREQ_HZ 60
+#define DEPTH_SCALE_M 0.001
#define DEPTH_CAMERA_TOPIC "depth"
#define COLOR_CAMERA_TOPIC "color"
#define IRED1_CAMERA_TOPIC "infrared"
#define IRED2_CAMERA_TOPIC "infrared2"
-#define DEPTH_NEAR_CLIP_M 0.3
-#define DEPTH_FAR_CLIP_M 10.0
-#define DEPTH_SCALE_M 0.001
using namespace gazebo;
+RealSensePlugin::RealSensePlugin() {
this->depthCam = nullptr;
this->ired1Cam = nullptr;
this->ired2Cam = nullptr;
this->colorCam = nullptr;
+ this->prefix = "";
+ this->pointCloudCutOffMax_ = 5.0;
+RealSensePlugin::~RealSensePlugin() {}
-void RealSensePlugin::Load(physics::ModelPtr _model, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf)
+void RealSensePlugin::Load(physics::ModelPtr _model, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) {
// Output the name of the model
- std::cout << std::endl
- << "RealSensePlugin: The realsense_camera plugin is attach to model "
- << _model->GetName() << std::endl;
+ std::cout
+ << std::endl
+ << "RealSensePlugin: The realsense_camera plugin is attached to model "
+ << _model->GetName() << std::endl;
+ _sdf = _sdf->GetFirstElement();
+ cameraParamsMap_.insert(std::make_pair(COLOR_CAMERA_NAME, CameraParams()));
+ cameraParamsMap_.insert(std::make_pair(DEPTH_CAMERA_NAME, CameraParams()));
+ cameraParamsMap_.insert(std::make_pair(IRED1_CAMERA_NAME, CameraParams()));
+ cameraParamsMap_.insert(std::make_pair(IRED2_CAMERA_NAME, CameraParams()));
+ do {
+ std::string name = _sdf->GetName();
+ if (name == "depthUpdateRate")
+ _sdf->GetValue()->Get(depthUpdateRate_);
+ else if (name == "colorUpdateRate")
+ _sdf->GetValue()->Get(colorUpdateRate_);
+ else if (name == "infraredUpdateRate")
+ _sdf->GetValue()->Get(infraredUpdateRate_);
+ else if (name == "depthTopicName")
+ cameraParamsMap_[DEPTH_CAMERA_NAME].topic_name =
+ _sdf->GetValue()->GetAsString();
+ else if (name == "depthCameraInfoTopicName")
+ cameraParamsMap_[DEPTH_CAMERA_NAME].camera_info_topic_name =
+ _sdf->GetValue()->GetAsString();
+ else if (name == "colorTopicName")
+ cameraParamsMap_[COLOR_CAMERA_NAME].topic_name =
+ _sdf->GetValue()->GetAsString();
+ else if (name == "colorCameraInfoTopicName")
+ cameraParamsMap_[COLOR_CAMERA_NAME].camera_info_topic_name =
+ _sdf->GetValue()->GetAsString();
+ else if (name == "infrared1TopicName")
+ cameraParamsMap_[IRED1_CAMERA_NAME].topic_name =
+ _sdf->GetValue()->GetAsString();
+ else if (name == "infrared1CameraInfoTopicName")
+ cameraParamsMap_[IRED1_CAMERA_NAME].camera_info_topic_name =
+ _sdf->GetValue()->GetAsString();
+ else if (name == "infrared2TopicName")
+ cameraParamsMap_[IRED2_CAMERA_NAME].topic_name =
+ _sdf->GetValue()->GetAsString();
+ else if (name == "infrared2CameraInfoTopicName")
+ cameraParamsMap_[IRED2_CAMERA_NAME].camera_info_topic_name =
+ _sdf->GetValue()->GetAsString();
+ else if (name == "colorOpticalframeName")
+ cameraParamsMap_[COLOR_CAMERA_NAME].optical_frame =
+ _sdf->GetValue()->GetAsString();
+ else if (name == "depthOpticalframeName")
+ cameraParamsMap_[DEPTH_CAMERA_NAME].optical_frame =
+ _sdf->GetValue()->GetAsString();
+ else if (name == "infrared1OpticalframeName")
+ cameraParamsMap_[IRED1_CAMERA_NAME].optical_frame =
+ _sdf->GetValue()->GetAsString();
+ else if (name == "infrared2OpticalframeName")
+ cameraParamsMap_[IRED2_CAMERA_NAME].optical_frame =
+ _sdf->GetValue()->GetAsString();
+ else if (name == "rangeMinDepth")
+ _sdf->GetValue()->Get(rangeMinDepth_);
+ else if (name == "rangeMaxDepth")
+ _sdf->GetValue()->Get(rangeMaxDepth_);
+ else if (name == "pointCloud")
+ _sdf->GetValue()->Get(pointCloud_);
+ else if (name == "pointCloudTopicName")
+ pointCloudTopic_ = _sdf->GetValue()->GetAsString();
+ else if (name == "pointCloudCutoff")
+ _sdf->GetValue()->Get(pointCloudCutOff_);
+ else if (name == "pointCloudCutoffMax")
+ _sdf->GetValue()->Get(pointCloudCutOffMax_);
+ else if (name == "prefix")
+ this->prefix = _sdf->GetValue()->GetAsString();
+ else if (name == "robotNamespace")
+ break;
+ else
+ throw std::runtime_error("Ivalid parameter for RealSensePlugin");
+ _sdf = _sdf->GetNextElement();
+ } while (_sdf);
// Store a pointer to the this model
this->rsModel = _model;
@@ -67,52 +134,47 @@ void RealSensePlugin::Load(physics::ModelPtr _model, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf)
sensors::SensorManager *smanager = sensors::SensorManager::Instance();
// Get Cameras Renderers
- this->depthCam =
- std::dynamic_pointer_cast(
- smanager->GetSensor(DEPTH_CAMERA_NAME))->DepthCamera();
+ this->depthCam = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(
+ smanager->GetSensor(prefix + DEPTH_CAMERA_NAME))
+ ->DepthCamera();
this->ired1Cam = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(
- smanager->GetSensor(IRED1_CAMERA_NAME))
- ->Camera();
+ smanager->GetSensor(prefix + IRED1_CAMERA_NAME))
+ ->Camera();
this->ired2Cam = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(
- smanager->GetSensor(IRED2_CAMERA_NAME))
- ->Camera();
+ smanager->GetSensor(prefix + IRED2_CAMERA_NAME))
+ ->Camera();
this->colorCam = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(
- smanager->GetSensor(COLOR_CAMERA_NAME))
- ->Camera();
+ smanager->GetSensor(prefix + COLOR_CAMERA_NAME))
+ ->Camera();
// Check if camera renderers have been found successfuly
- if (!this->depthCam)
- {
+ if (!this->depthCam) {
std::cerr << "RealSensePlugin: Depth Camera has not been found"
<< std::endl;
- if (!this->ired1Cam)
- {
+ if (!this->ired1Cam) {
std::cerr << "RealSensePlugin: InfraRed Camera 1 has not been found"
<< std::endl;
- if (!this->ired2Cam)
- {
+ if (!this->ired2Cam) {
std::cerr << "RealSensePlugin: InfraRed Camera 2 has not been found"
<< std::endl;
- if (!this->colorCam)
- {
+ if (!this->colorCam) {
std::cerr << "RealSensePlugin: Color Camera has not been found"
<< std::endl;
// Resize Depth Map dimensions
- try
- {
- this->depthMap.resize(this->depthCam->ImageWidth() * this->depthCam->ImageHeight());
- }
- catch (std::bad_alloc &e)
- {
+ try {
+ this->depthMap.resize(this->depthCam->ImageWidth() *
+ this->depthCam->ImageHeight());
+ } catch (std::bad_alloc &e) {
std::cerr << "RealSensePlugin: depthMap allocation failed: " << e.what()
<< std::endl;
@@ -123,46 +185,41 @@ void RealSensePlugin::Load(physics::ModelPtr _model, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf)
// Setup Publishers
- std::string rsTopicRoot =
- "~/" + this->rsModel->GetName() + "/rs/stream/";
+ std::string rsTopicRoot = "~/" + this->rsModel->GetName();
this->depthPub = this->transportNode->Advertise(
+ rsTopicRoot + DEPTH_CAMERA_TOPIC, 1, depthUpdateRate_);
this->ired1Pub = this->transportNode->Advertise(
+ rsTopicRoot + IRED1_CAMERA_TOPIC, 1, infraredUpdateRate_);
this->ired2Pub = this->transportNode->Advertise(
+ rsTopicRoot + IRED2_CAMERA_TOPIC, 1, infraredUpdateRate_);
this->colorPub = this->transportNode->Advertise(
+ rsTopicRoot + COLOR_CAMERA_TOPIC, 1, colorUpdateRate_);
// Listen to depth camera new frame event
this->newDepthFrameConn = this->depthCam->ConnectNewDepthFrame(
std::bind(&RealSensePlugin::OnNewDepthFrame, this));
- this->newIred1FrameConn =
- this->ired1Cam->ConnectNewImageFrame(
- std::bind(&RealSensePlugin::OnNewFrame, this, this->ired1Cam,
- this->ired1Pub));
+ this->newIred1FrameConn = this->ired1Cam->ConnectNewImageFrame(std::bind(
+ &RealSensePlugin::OnNewFrame, this, this->ired1Cam, this->ired1Pub));
+ this->newIred2FrameConn = this->ired2Cam->ConnectNewImageFrame(std::bind(
+ &RealSensePlugin::OnNewFrame, this, this->ired2Cam, this->ired2Pub));
- this->newIred2FrameConn =
- this->ired2Cam->ConnectNewImageFrame(
- std::bind(&RealSensePlugin::OnNewFrame, this, this->ired2Cam,
- this->ired2Pub));
+ this->newColorFrameConn = this->colorCam->ConnectNewImageFrame(std::bind(
+ &RealSensePlugin::OnNewFrame, this, this->colorCam, this->colorPub));
- this->newColorFrameConn =
- this->colorCam->ConnectNewImageFrame(
- std::bind(&RealSensePlugin::OnNewFrame, this, this->colorCam,
- this->colorPub));
// Listen to the update event
this->updateConnection = event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin(
boost::bind(&RealSensePlugin::OnUpdate, this));
void RealSensePlugin::OnNewFrame(const rendering::CameraPtr cam,
- const transport::PublisherPtr pub)
+ const transport::PublisherPtr pub) {
msgs::ImageStamped msg;
// Set Simulation Time
@@ -178,38 +235,33 @@ void RealSensePlugin::OnNewFrame(const rendering::CameraPtr cam,
// Set Image Data
msg.mutable_image()->set_step(cam->ImageWidth() * cam->ImageDepth());
- msg.mutable_image()->set_data(
- cam->ImageData(),
- cam->ImageDepth() * cam->ImageWidth() * cam->ImageHeight());
+ msg.mutable_image()->set_data(cam->ImageData(),
+ cam->ImageDepth() * cam->ImageWidth() *
+ cam->ImageHeight());
// Publish realsense infrared stream
-void RealSensePlugin::OnNewDepthFrame()
+void RealSensePlugin::OnNewDepthFrame() {
// Get Depth Map dimensions
- unsigned int imageSize = this->depthCam->ImageWidth() *
- this->depthCam->ImageHeight();
+ unsigned int imageSize =
+ this->depthCam->ImageWidth() * this->depthCam->ImageHeight();
// Instantiate message
msgs::ImageStamped msg;
// Convert Float depth data to RealSense depth data
const float *depthDataFloat = this->depthCam->DepthData();
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < imageSize; ++i)
- {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < imageSize; ++i) {
// Check clipping and overflow
- if (depthDataFloat[i] < DEPTH_NEAR_CLIP_M ||
- depthDataFloat[i] > DEPTH_FAR_CLIP_M ||
+ if (depthDataFloat[i] < rangeMinDepth_ ||
+ depthDataFloat[i] > rangeMaxDepth_ ||
depthDataFloat[i] > DEPTH_SCALE_M * UINT16_MAX ||
- depthDataFloat[i] < 0)
- {
+ depthDataFloat[i] < 0) {
this->depthMap[i] = 0;
- }
- else
- {
+ } else {
this->depthMap[i] = (uint16_t)(depthDataFloat[i] / DEPTH_SCALE_M);
@@ -221,15 +273,12 @@ void RealSensePlugin::OnNewDepthFrame()
msg.mutable_image()->set_step(this->depthCam->ImageWidth() *
- msg.mutable_image()->set_data(
- this->depthMap.data(),
- sizeof(*this->depthMap.data()) * imageSize);
+ msg.mutable_image()->set_data(this->depthMap.data(),
+ sizeof(*this->depthMap.data()) * imageSize);
// Publish realsense scaled depth map
-void RealSensePlugin::OnUpdate()
+void RealSensePlugin::OnUpdate() {}
diff --git a/src/gazebo_ros_realsense.cpp b/src/gazebo_ros_realsense.cpp
index aecd06f..9d5ab02 100644
--- a/src/gazebo_ros_realsense.cpp
+++ b/src/gazebo_ros_realsense.cpp
@@ -1,33 +1,31 @@
#include "realsense_gazebo_plugin/gazebo_ros_realsense.h"
- std::string extractCameraName(const std::string& name);
- sensor_msgs::CameraInfo cameraInfo(const sensor_msgs::Image& image, float horizontal_fov);
+namespace {
+std::string extractCameraName(const std::string &name);
+sensor_msgs::CameraInfo cameraInfo(const sensor_msgs::Image &image,
+ float horizontal_fov);
-namespace gazebo
+namespace gazebo {
// Register the plugin
+GazeboRosRealsense::GazeboRosRealsense() {}
+GazeboRosRealsense::~GazeboRosRealsense() {
ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("realsense_camera", "Unloaded");
-void GazeboRosRealsense::Load(physics::ModelPtr _model, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf)
+void GazeboRosRealsense::Load(physics::ModelPtr _model, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) {
// Make sure the ROS node for Gazebo has already been initialized
- if (!ros::isInitialized())
- {
- ROS_FATAL_STREAM("A ROS node for Gazebo has not been initialized, unable to load plugin. "
- << "Load the Gazebo system plugin 'libgazebo_ros_api_plugin.so' in the gazebo_ros package)");
+ if (!ros::isInitialized()) {
+ ROS_FATAL_STREAM("A ROS node for Gazebo has not been initialized, unable "
+ "to load plugin. "
+ << "Load the Gazebo system plugin "
+ "'libgazebo_ros_api_plugin.so' in the gazebo_ros "
+ "package)");
ROS_INFO("Realsense Gazebo ROS plugin loading.");
@@ -38,70 +36,172 @@ void GazeboRosRealsense::Load(physics::ModelPtr _model, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf)
// initialize camera_info_manager
- new camera_info_manager::CameraInfoManager(*this->rosnode_, this->GetHandle()));
+ new camera_info_manager::CameraInfoManager(*this->rosnode_, this->GetHandle()));
this->itnode_ = new image_transport::ImageTransport(*this->rosnode_);
- this->color_pub_ = this->itnode_->advertiseCamera("camera/color/image_raw", 2);
- this->ir1_pub_ = this->itnode_->advertiseCamera("camera/ir/image_raw", 2);
- this->ir2_pub_ = this->itnode_->advertiseCamera("camera/ir2/image_raw", 2);
- this->depth_pub_ = this->itnode_->advertiseCamera("camera/depth/image_raw", 2);
+ this->color_pub_ = this->itnode_->advertiseCamera(
+ cameraParamsMap_[COLOR_CAMERA_NAME].topic_name, 2);
+ this->ir1_pub_ = this->itnode_->advertiseCamera(
+ cameraParamsMap_[IRED1_CAMERA_NAME].topic_name, 2);
+ this->ir2_pub_ = this->itnode_->advertiseCamera(
+ cameraParamsMap_[IRED2_CAMERA_NAME].topic_name, 2);
+ this->depth_pub_ = this->itnode_->advertiseCamera(
+ cameraParamsMap_[DEPTH_CAMERA_NAME].topic_name, 2);
+ if (pointCloud_)
+ {
+ this->pointcloud_pub_ =
+ this->rosnode_->advertise(pointCloudTopic_, 2, false);
+ }
void GazeboRosRealsense::OnNewFrame(const rendering::CameraPtr cam,
- const transport::PublisherPtr pub)
+ const transport::PublisherPtr pub) {
common::Time current_time = this->world->SimTime();
// identify camera
std::string camera_id = extractCameraName(cam->Name());
- const std::map camera_publishers = {
- {COLOR_CAMERA_NAME, &(this->color_pub_)},
- {IRED1_CAMERA_NAME, &(this->ir1_pub_)},
- {IRED2_CAMERA_NAME, &(this->ir2_pub_)},
- };
+ const std::map
+ camera_publishers = {
+ {COLOR_CAMERA_NAME, &(this->color_pub_)},
+ {IRED1_CAMERA_NAME, &(this->ir1_pub_)},
+ {IRED2_CAMERA_NAME, &(this->ir2_pub_)},
+ };
const auto image_pub = camera_publishers.at(camera_id);
// copy data into image
- this->image_msg_.header.frame_id = camera_id;
+ this->image_msg_.header.frame_id =
+ this->cameraParamsMap_[camera_id].optical_frame;
this->image_msg_.header.stamp.sec = current_time.sec;
this->image_msg_.header.stamp.nsec = current_time.nsec;
// set image encoding
const std::map supported_image_encodings = {
- {"L_INT8", sensor_msgs::image_encodings::MONO8},
- {"RGB_INT8", sensor_msgs::image_encodings::RGB8},
- };
+ {"RGB_INT8", sensor_msgs::image_encodings::RGB8},
+ {"L_INT8", sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_8UC1}};
const auto pixel_format = supported_image_encodings.at(cam->ImageFormat());
// copy from simulation image to ROS msg
- fillImage(this->image_msg_,
- pixel_format,
- cam->ImageHeight(), cam->ImageWidth(),
- cam->ImageDepth() * cam->ImageWidth(),
- reinterpret_cast(cam->ImageData()));
+ fillImage(this->image_msg_, pixel_format, cam->ImageHeight(),
+ cam->ImageWidth(), cam->ImageDepth() * cam->ImageWidth(),
+ reinterpret_cast(cam->ImageData()));
// identify camera rendering
const std::map cameras = {
- {COLOR_CAMERA_NAME, this->colorCam},
- {IRED1_CAMERA_NAME, this->ired1Cam},
- {IRED2_CAMERA_NAME, this->ired2Cam},
+ {COLOR_CAMERA_NAME, this->colorCam},
+ {IRED1_CAMERA_NAME, this->ired1Cam},
+ {IRED2_CAMERA_NAME, this->ired2Cam},
// publish to ROS
- auto camera_info_msg = cameraInfo(this->image_msg_, cameras.at(camera_id)->HFOV().Radian());
+ auto camera_info_msg =
+ cameraInfo(this->image_msg_, cameras.at(camera_id)->HFOV().Radian());
image_pub->publish(this->image_msg_, camera_info_msg);
-void GazeboRosRealsense::OnNewDepthFrame()
+// Referenced from gazebo_plugins
+// https://github.com/ros-simulation/gazebo_ros_pkgs/blob/kinetic-devel/gazebo_plugins/src/gazebo_ros_openni_kinect.cpp#L302
+// Fill depth information
+bool GazeboRosRealsense::FillPointCloudHelper(sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 &point_cloud_msg,
+ uint32_t rows_arg, uint32_t cols_arg,
+ uint32_t step_arg, void *data_arg)
+ sensor_msgs::PointCloud2Modifier pcd_modifier(point_cloud_msg);
+ pcd_modifier.setPointCloud2FieldsByString(2, "xyz", "rgb");
+ // convert to flat array shape, we need to reconvert later
+ pcd_modifier.resize(rows_arg * cols_arg);
+ point_cloud_msg.is_dense = true;
+ sensor_msgs::PointCloud2Iterator iter_x(pointcloud_msg_, "x");
+ sensor_msgs::PointCloud2Iterator iter_y(pointcloud_msg_, "y");
+ sensor_msgs::PointCloud2Iterator iter_z(pointcloud_msg_, "z");
+ sensor_msgs::PointCloud2Iterator iter_rgb(pointcloud_msg_, "rgb");
+ float *toCopyFrom = (float *)data_arg;
+ int index = 0;
+ double hfov = this->depthCam->HFOV().Radian();
+ double fl = ((double)this->depthCam->ImageWidth()) / (2.0 * tan(hfov / 2.0));
+ // convert depth to point cloud
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < rows_arg; j++)
+ {
+ double pAngle;
+ if (rows_arg > 1)
+ pAngle = atan2((double)j - 0.5 * (double)(rows_arg - 1), fl);
+ else
+ pAngle = 0.0;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cols_arg; i++, ++iter_x, ++iter_y, ++iter_z, ++iter_rgb)
+ {
+ double yAngle;
+ if (cols_arg > 1)
+ yAngle = atan2((double)i - 0.5 * (double)(cols_arg - 1), fl);
+ else
+ yAngle = 0.0;
+ double depth = toCopyFrom[index++]; // + 0.0*this->myParent->GetNearClip();
+ if (depth > pointCloudCutOff_ && depth < pointCloudCutOffMax_)
+ {
+ // in optical frame
+ // hardcoded rotation rpy(-M_PI/2, 0, -M_PI/2) is built-in
+ // to urdf, where the *_optical_frame should have above relative
+ // rotation from the physical camera *_frame
+ *iter_x = depth * tan(yAngle);
+ *iter_y = depth * tan(pAngle);
+ *iter_z = depth;
+ }
+ else // point in the unseeable range
+ {
+ *iter_x = *iter_y = *iter_z = std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN();
+ point_cloud_msg.is_dense = false;
+ }
+ // put image color data for each point
+ uint8_t *image_src = (uint8_t *)(&(this->image_msg_.data[0]));
+ if (this->image_msg_.data.size() == rows_arg * cols_arg * 3)
+ {
+ // color
+ iter_rgb[0] = image_src[i * 3 + j * cols_arg * 3 + 0];
+ iter_rgb[1] = image_src[i * 3 + j * cols_arg * 3 + 1];
+ iter_rgb[2] = image_src[i * 3 + j * cols_arg * 3 + 2];
+ }
+ else if (this->image_msg_.data.size() == rows_arg * cols_arg)
+ {
+ // mono (or bayer? @todo; fix for bayer)
+ iter_rgb[0] = image_src[i + j * cols_arg];
+ iter_rgb[1] = image_src[i + j * cols_arg];
+ iter_rgb[2] = image_src[i + j * cols_arg];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // no image
+ iter_rgb[0] = 0;
+ iter_rgb[1] = 0;
+ iter_rgb[2] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // reconvert to original height and width after the flat reshape
+ point_cloud_msg.height = rows_arg;
+ point_cloud_msg.width = cols_arg;
+ point_cloud_msg.row_step = point_cloud_msg.point_step * point_cloud_msg.width;
+ return true;
+void GazeboRosRealsense::OnNewDepthFrame() {
// get current time
common::Time current_time = this->world->SimTime();
// copy data into image
- this->depth_msg_.header.frame_id = COLOR_CAMERA_NAME;
+ this->depth_msg_.header.frame_id =
+ this->cameraParamsMap_[DEPTH_CAMERA_NAME].optical_frame;
+ ;
this->depth_msg_.header.stamp.sec = current_time.sec;
this->depth_msg_.header.stamp.nsec = current_time.nsec;
@@ -109,54 +209,68 @@ void GazeboRosRealsense::OnNewDepthFrame()
std::string pixel_format = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::TYPE_16UC1;
// copy from simulation image to ROS msg
- fillImage(this->depth_msg_,
- pixel_format,
- this->depthCam->ImageHeight(), this->depthCam->ImageWidth(),
- 2 * this->depthCam->ImageWidth(),
- reinterpret_cast(this->depthMap.data()));
+ fillImage(this->depth_msg_, pixel_format, this->depthCam->ImageHeight(),
+ this->depthCam->ImageWidth(), 2 * this->depthCam->ImageWidth(),
+ reinterpret_cast(this->depthMap.data()));
// publish to ROS
- auto depth_info_msg = cameraInfo(this->depth_msg_, this->depthCam->HFOV().Radian());
+ auto depth_info_msg =
+ cameraInfo(this->depth_msg_, this->depthCam->HFOV().Radian());
this->depth_pub_.publish(this->depth_msg_, depth_info_msg);
- std::string extractCameraName(const std::string& name)
+ if (pointCloud_ && this->pointcloud_pub_.getNumSubscribers() > 0)
- if (name.find(COLOR_CAMERA_NAME) != std::string::npos) return COLOR_CAMERA_NAME;
- if (name.find(IRED1_CAMERA_NAME) != std::string::npos) return IRED1_CAMERA_NAME;
- if (name.find(IRED2_CAMERA_NAME) != std::string::npos) return IRED2_CAMERA_NAME;
+ this->pointcloud_msg_.header = this->depth_msg_.header;
+ this->pointcloud_msg_.width = this->depthCam->ImageWidth();
+ this->pointcloud_msg_.height = this->depthCam->ImageHeight();
+ this->pointcloud_msg_.row_step =
+ this->pointcloud_msg_.point_step * this->depthCam->ImageWidth();
+ FillPointCloudHelper(this->pointcloud_msg_, this->depthCam->ImageHeight(),
+ this->depthCam->ImageWidth(), 2 * this->depthCam->ImageWidth(),
+ (void *)this->depthCam->DepthData());
+ this->pointcloud_pub_.publish(this->pointcloud_msg_);
+ }
- ROS_ERROR("Unknown camera name");
+namespace {
+std::string extractCameraName(const std::string &name) {
+ if (name.find(COLOR_CAMERA_NAME) != std::string::npos)
- }
+ if (name.find(IRED1_CAMERA_NAME) != std::string::npos)
+ if (name.find(IRED2_CAMERA_NAME) != std::string::npos)
- sensor_msgs::CameraInfo cameraInfo(const sensor_msgs::Image& image, float horizontal_fov)
- {
- sensor_msgs::CameraInfo info_msg;
+ ROS_ERROR("Unknown camera name");
- info_msg.header = image.header;
- info_msg.height = image.height;
- info_msg.width = image.width;
+sensor_msgs::CameraInfo cameraInfo(const sensor_msgs::Image &image,
+ float horizontal_fov) {
+ sensor_msgs::CameraInfo info_msg;
- float focal = 0.5 * image.width / tan(0.5 * horizontal_fov);
+ info_msg.header = image.header;
+ info_msg.distortion_model = "plumb_bob";
+ info_msg.height = image.height;
+ info_msg.width = image.width;
- info_msg.K[0] = focal;
- info_msg.K[4] = focal;
- info_msg.K[2] = info_msg.width * 0.5;
- info_msg.K[5] = info_msg.height * 0.5;
- info_msg.K[8] = 1.;
+ float focal = 0.5 * image.width / tan(0.5 * horizontal_fov);
- info_msg.P[0] = info_msg.K[0];
- info_msg.P[5] = info_msg.K[4];
- info_msg.P[2] = info_msg.K[2];
- info_msg.P[6] = info_msg.K[5];
- info_msg.P[10] = info_msg.K[8];
+ info_msg.K[0] = focal;
+ info_msg.K[4] = focal;
+ info_msg.K[2] = info_msg.width * 0.5;
+ info_msg.K[5] = info_msg.height * 0.5;
+ info_msg.K[8] = 1.;
- return info_msg;
- }
+ info_msg.P[0] = info_msg.K[0];
+ info_msg.P[5] = info_msg.K[4];
+ info_msg.P[2] = info_msg.K[2];
+ info_msg.P[6] = info_msg.K[5];
+ info_msg.P[10] = info_msg.K[8];
+ // info_msg.roi.do_rectify = true;
+ return info_msg;
diff --git a/srv/SetBias.srv b/srv/SetBias.srv
deleted file mode 100644
index 78cb852..0000000
--- a/srv/SetBias.srv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-geometry_msgs/Vector3 bias
diff --git a/urdf/test.xacro b/urdf/test.xacro
index fc7f5e4..57602eb 100644
--- a/urdf/test.xacro
+++ b/urdf/test.xacro
@@ -1,7 +1,18 @@
@@ -24,37 +35,19 @@
diff --git a/xacro/depthcam.xacro b/xacro/depthcam.xacro
index c74102f..cab9a62 100644
--- a/xacro/depthcam.xacro
+++ b/xacro/depthcam.xacro
@@ -1,15 +1,259 @@
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 0 0 0
+ 1e+13
+ 1
+ ${69.4*deg_to_rad}
+ 640
+ 480
+ 0.1
+ 100
+ gaussian
+ 0.0
+ 0.007
+ 1
+ 30
+ 1
+ ${85.2*deg_to_rad}
+ 1280
+ 720
+ L_INT8
+ 0.1
+ 100
+ gaussian
+ 0.0
+ 0.05
+ 1
+ 90
+ 0
+ ${85.2*deg_to_rad}
+ 1280
+ 720
+ L_INT8
+ 0.1
+ 100
+ gaussian
+ 0.0
+ 0.05
+ 1
+ 90
+ 0
+ ${85.2*deg_to_rad}
+ 1280
+ 720
+ 0.1
+ 100
+ gaussian
+ 0.0
+ 0.100
+ 1
+ 90
+ 0
+ ${sensor_name}_
+ ${rate}
+ ${rate}
+ ${rate}
+ depth/image_raw
+ depth/camera_info
+ color/image_raw
+ color/camera_info
+ infra1/image_raw
+ infra1/camera_info
+ infra2/image_raw
+ infra2/camera_info
+ ${sensor_name}_color_optical_frame
+ ${sensor_name}_depth_optical_frame
+ ${sensor_name}_infrared1_optical_frame
+ ${sensor_name}_infrared2_optical_frame
+ 0.2
+ 10.0
+ false
+ depth/color/points
+ 0.25
+ 9.0
@@ -67,8 +311,6 @@
@@ -83,7 +325,7 @@
0 -0.046 0.004 0 0 0
@@ -106,7 +348,7 @@
0 -0.06 0.004 0 0 0
@@ -129,7 +371,7 @@
0 0.01 0.004 0 0 0
@@ -152,7 +394,7 @@
0 -0.03 0.004 0 0 0
@@ -176,6 +418,33 @@
+ ${sensor_name}_
+ ${rate}
+ ${rate}
+ ${rate}
+ depth/image_raw
+ depth/camera_info
+ color/image_raw
+ color/camera_info
+ infra1/image_raw
+ infra1/camera_info
+ infra2/image_raw
+ infra2/camera_info
+ ${sensor_name}_color_optical_frame
+ ${sensor_name}_depth_optical_frame
+ ${sensor_name}_infrared1_optical_frame
+ ${sensor_name}_infrared2_optical_frame
+ 0.2
+ 10.0
+ false
+ depth/color/points
+ 0.25
+ 9.0
diff --git a/xacro/inertia_calc.xacro b/xacro/inertia_calc.xacro
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f59950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xacro/inertia_calc.xacro
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@