This is a MATLAB tool implementing a Moving Horizon Estimator (MHE). The repository is structured as follows:
- Lib: this folder contains all the code. For more information see comments on the code.
- doc: this folder contains documentation.
More specifically, the following info can be useful:
- Observer_opt_presentation.pdf: general overview on the theoretical basis for MHEs. More specifically, the presentation covers standard MHE, filtered MHE, and adaptive MHE (see
- Lib/obs/obsopt.m: the actual MATLAB class implementing the MHE.
- Lib/simulation_scripts: this folder contains the scripts to test and use the MHE.
- Models: the default version of the observer is provided with a Van der Pol oscillator as test example. The user may add its own models following the structure of the files in Lib/models
The MHE is designed to work as in the following flow (for more detailed information refer to simulation_general_v3.m):
- init model and observer
- for loop a) simulate model b) get measurements (noise) c) run the observer
- post simulation analysis
First add the library to your MATLAB path and then run the test scripts. On a MATLAB prompt:
>> addpath(genpath('Lib'))
>> test_VDP;
Now, use simulation_general.m as a templte for your code. The file can be run as follows:
>> [params,obs] = simulation_general();