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executable file
123 lines (83 loc) · 3.64 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
123 lines (83 loc) · 3.64 KB


Angular utility for compressing images to a satisfying size, that you can choose


npm i ngx-image-compress


Example here:

Import it in your app module

import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser';
import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';

import {AppComponent} from './app.component';
import {NgxImageCompressService} from 'ngx-image-compress';

  declarations: [AppComponent],
  imports: [BrowserModule],
  providers: [NgxImageCompressService],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}

Use it in your component

import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {NgxImageCompressService} from 'ngx-image-compress';

  selector: 'app-root',
  template: `
      <button (click)="compressFile()">Upload and compress Image</button>
      <img *ngIf="imgResultBeforeCompress" [src]="imgResultBeforeCompress" alt="">
      <img *ngIf="imgResultAfterCompress" [src]="imgResultAfterCompress" alt="">
export class AppComponent {

  constructor(private imageCompress: NgxImageCompressService) {}

  compressFile() {
    this.imageCompress.uploadFile().then(({image, orientation}) => {
      this.imgResultBeforeCompress = image;
      console.warn('Size in bytes was:', this.imageCompress.byteCount(image));
      this.imageCompress.compressFile(image, orientation, 50, 50).then(
        result => {
          this.imgResultAfterCompress = result;
          console.warn('Size in bytes is now:', this.imageCompress.byteCount(result));

How it's working underwood?

We will use Renderer2, and transform the image multiple time through HTML canvas encrustation. In fact you can use the static version into the library and import renderer by yourself.



Я изменил правило сжатия:

  • вместо задания процента изменения, я решил задавать конкретный размер квадратного изображения в пикселах (например, я захотел аватарку пользователя ужать перед сохранением в базе данных до пвзмера 80х80).
  • если изображение меньше заданного размера квадрата, то ничего делать не надо.

Как получить версию для использования:

  1. Выполнить скрипт "npm run build-lib" (командный файл "build.cmd")
  2. Устанавливать оригинальную версию нет необходимости (из package.json - убрать).
  3. Скопировать папку "ngx-image-compress" в "\tender-manager\client\node_modules"


Update to Angular 11
Fix upload for iOS
Expose getOrientation api publically


Update to Angular 8 (angular 7 is enough)
Fix DOC_ORIENTATION import (not a required import)


Since Angular 6 include its own packaging system, I no longer need my webpack config to build it. Everything is working in angular 7 without complaint now (test app is on github)


Adding Live example. Everything is now working and tested but I will make some arrangement to the code in index.ts before submitting it again to npm, in order to make it more handy.


Upload to Github Need some fixes and tests to be use as a static library