This service posts a message to the stock-trader-messsages channel on the [email protected] server on Slack, via a call to a serverless function. Depending on the URL that is configured, it either invokes an IBM Cloud Functions (aka Apache OpenWhisk) function, or an AWS Lambda function. Either way expects the same input JSON and produces the same result.
This service expects a JSON object in the http body, containing the following fields: id, owner, old, and new. It returns a JSON object containing the message sent (or any error message from the attempt) and the location (Slack).
There is another implementation of this service called notification-twitter, which sends the message to Twitter instead. If both implmentations of the Notification service are installed, you could use Istio routing rules to determine which gets used, and under what conditions. An example Istio route rule is in this repository (and another is in the notification-twitter repository).
Use WebSphere Liberty helm chart to deploy Slack Notification microservice:
helm repo add ibm-charts
helm install ibm-charts/ibm-websphere-liberty -f <VALUES_YAML> -n <RELEASE_NAME> --tls
In practice this means you'll run something like:
helm repo add ibm-charts
helm install ibm-charts/ibm-websphere-liberty -f manifests/notification-slack-values.yaml -n notification-slack --namespace stock-trader --tls