- Fix issue with characteristic write without response operation on iOS
- Fix issue with duplicated or malformed notification values
- Fix issue with invalid characteristic value base64 coding when performing characteristic operations on iOS
- Improve documentation
- Hide private APIs
- Add setup instructions to README
- Add missing descriptor operations information to README
- Moved permission_handler dependency to its place in example
- NEW operations on descriptors
- BREAKING FOR BLEMULATOR BLEmulator versions lower than 1.1.0 are not supported from this release
- Support for AndroidX
- Support for Swift 5
- Lower iOS deployment target to 8.0
- BREAKING ScanResult.AdvertisementData.ManufacturerData has changed type from Int8List to Uint8List
- Fix issue with invalid value of manufacturer data in scan results
- Fix issue with initialising plugin from a service without an active activity
- Update README with information about permissions
- Fix issue with default value of MTU when connecting to a peripheral on Android
- Fix issue where first few notifications right after start of monitoring a characteristic could get lost
- Fix issue with automatically generated transaction IDs.
- Dart 2.0 support
- BREAKING Completely new API. Consult README for instructions on how to use the new version.
- Added BLEmulator support