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Godot Editor Haxe Support Plugin

Godot 3.3 engine editor plugin to help with Haxe development.

The plugin is still in alpha, open an issue for bug reports or feature requests.


The plugin isn't yet available on the godot asset library, to install it you can either:

  • download this repository and extract it in the addons/haxe folder of your project

    You need to remove the editor-plugin-main folder added by github: have addons/haxe/plugin.cfg not addons/haxe/editor-plugin-main/plugin.cfg

  • add it as a submodule git submodule add addons/haxe

You need to enable the plugin by going in the Project -> Project Settings menu, Plugins tab, and checking the Enabled box for the Haxe plugin.


Haxe support requires Godot C#, if it hasn't been setup click on Project -> Tools -> C# -> Create C# solution.

The plugin can setup by clicking on the Project -> Tools -> Haxe -> Setup menu.

This will check for the presence of the godot haxelib, update the C# solution and add a hxml. If the project already contains some of these files the setup will be stopped.

You can also do a manual setup if you want more control.

Haxe scripts

You can add/load/remove a Haxe script on a node by clicking on it, and in the inspector in Node -> Script -> Haxe Script click on the resource box.

When creating or clicking Edit on an script it'll open in your editor. By default it is configured for VSCode, and can be changed in Project -> Project Settings -> Haxe -> External Editor. For now only None and VSCode are supported.


You need to build the Haxe code before launching your game, you can do that:

  • by manually using the hxml haxe build.hxml
  • through your editor
  • directly in the Godot editor in the bottom tab Haxe -> Build Haxe Project

Note: The files in scripts/ must all define their main type, for a file Foo.hx you must have the type Foo, otherwise compilation will fail.

Manual setup

Example hxml:

--cs build
--define net-ver=50
--define no-compilation
--define analyzer-optimize
--class-path scripts
--library godot
--macro godot.Godot.buildProject()
--dce full

Modify the <PropertyGroups> of the csproj file:



The plugin is MIT licensed.