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Johan Hargne edited this page Jun 18, 2018 · 33 revisions


The way to configure this plugin depends on how it is invoked by Jest - either it is run as a "custom reporter" using the reporters-option, or as a testResultsProcessor. The first mentioned method has all its configuration residing in the same file (jest.config.js), while the latter requires a separate configuration file. Please refer to the examples below for further information.

Continuous Integration

Configuration may also be performed with environment variables for dynamic file saving paths in different environments.

List of Configuration Options

Please note that all configuration options are optional.

Property Type Description Default
pageTitle STRING The title of the document. This string will also be outputted on the top of the page. "Test Suite"
outputPath STRING The path to where the plugin will output the HTML report. The path must include the filename and end with .html "./test-report.html"
includeFailureMsg BOOLEAN If this setting is set to true, this will output the detailed failure message for each failed test. false
includeConsoleLog BOOLEAN If set to true, this will output all triggered console logs for each test suite. false
styleOverridePath STRING The path to a file containing CSS styles that should override the default styling.* null
customScriptPath STRING Path to a javascript file that should be injected into the test report null
theme STRING The name of the reporter themes to use when rendering the report. Available themes are found in Test Report Themes "defaultTheme"
logo STRING Path to a logo that will be included in the header of the report null
executionTimeWarningThreshold NUMBER The threshold for test execution time (in seconds) in each test suite that will render a warning on the report page. 5 seconds is the default timeout in Jest. 5
dateFormat STRING The format in which date/time should be formatted in the test report. Have a look at this page for the available date format variables. "yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss"
sort STRING Sorts the test results with the given method. Available sorting methods can be found here. "default"
executionMode STRING Defines the execution mode. Avaiable modes are: reporter, testResultsProcessor "testResultsProcessor"

*The plugin will search for the styleOverridePath from the root directory, therefore there is no need to prepend the string with ./ or ../. Have a look at the defaultTheme for a reference of the elements available for styling.

Environment Variables

The environment variables below reflect the default configuration options. Please refer to the list above for detailed information. NOTE: Environment variables will take precedence over configurations set in jesthtmlreporter.config.json and package.json


Configuration Examples

As a custom reporter

Add your configuration to jest.config.js in the following manner:

"reporters": [
	"./node_modules/jest-html-reporter", {
		"pageTitle": "Your test suite",
		"outputPath": "test-report/index.html",
		"includeFailureMsg": false,
		"styleOverridePath": "src/teststyle.css"

As a testResultProcessor

When running as a testResultProcessor, the configuration needs to be put in a separate file named jesthtmlreporter.config.json placed within the root folder of the project:

	"pageTitle": "Your test suite",
	"outputPath": "test-report/index.html",
	"includeFailureMsg": false,
	"styleOverridePath": "src/teststyle.css"

It is also possible to configure the plugin with package.json (although this is not recommended). Add an entry named "jest-html-reporter" to your package.json like so:

	"jest-html-reporter": {
		"pageTitle": "Your test suite",
		"outputPath": "test-report.html",
		"includeFailureMsg": true

With Continuous Integration (Environment Variables)

Here is an example of dynamically naming your output file and test report title to match your current branch that one might see in a automated deployment pipeline before running their tests.

export BRANCH_NAME=`git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null | cut -d"/" -f 3`
export JEST_HTML_REPORTER_OUTPUT_PATH=/home/username/jest-test-output/test-reports/"$BRANCH_NAME".html
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