Install git
and stow
sudo pacman -S git stow
Clone this repository:
git clone
cd configs
Choose which packages to create symlinks for:
stow git ssh bash
Make sure to also install the necessary dependencies:
sudo pacman -S git openssh bash
package | dependencies | notes |
alacritty | alacritty, zsh, ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd | |
bash | bash | re-login required for full effect |
discord | discord | |
dmenu | dmenu (pass, pass-otp) | passwords require pass -setup |
git | git (openssh) | |
gtk | global dark-theme | |
i3 | i3-wm, i3blocks, dmenu, a terminal (playerctl, pipewire-pulse) | |
nvim | neovim (language servers) | |
powerline-shell | powerline-shell | |
paru | paru (bat) | run patch_paru_conf |
ranger | ranger | |
ssh | openssh | |
vim | vim | |
zsh | zsh, zsh-syntax-highlighting (bat, eza, fd, fzf) | re-login required for full effect |
Create an executable script ~/.screenlayout/
which issues the appropriate xrandr
Eg. the i3-config auto-executes this.
Your can use the arandr
sudo pacman -S arandr
You may want to adjust the refresh-rates manually or disable vsync.