A basic http client for rust to GET resources in k8s when running in-cluster.
Add the module as a Cargo.toml dependency:
inclusterget = { path = "../inclusterget" }
inclusterget = { git = "https://github.com/galleybytes/inclusterget.git" }
Example code:
use inclusterget;
fn main() {
let group = inclusterget::env_with_default(String::from("GROUP"), String::from(""))
.expect("GROUP is not set");
let kind = inclusterget::env_with_default(String::from("KIND"), String::from(""))
.expect("KIND is not set");
let namespace = inclusterget::env_with_default(String::from("NAMESPACE"), String::from(""))
.expect("NAMESPACE is not set");
let resource = inclusterget::env_with_default(String::from("RESOURCE"), String::from(""))
.expect("RESOURCE is not set");
let body =
inclusterget::get(group, kind, namespace, resource).expect("Failure getting resource");
println!("Response: {}", body);
The response is a String that can then be parsed.