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File metadata and controls

194 lines (135 loc) · 8.19 KB



CM uses a database to store three types of data:

  • Recorded Events -- an "audit" of how CM processed an Activity (Comment/Submission) and what actions it took based on the result of processing it (comment, report, remove, etc.)
  • Persistent Settings/Data
    • Settings like the last known state of a Subreddit's bot before the application exited
    • Web Client sessions and invites -- stuff that should survive a restart
  • Statistics
    • All-time and time-series high-level statistics like # of events, # of checks run, etc...

CM does NOT store subreddit configurations or any runtime alterations of these configurations. This is to keep configurations portable -- on principle, if you (a moderator) choose to use a different CM instance to run your subreddit's bot then it should not function differently.


CM uses TypeORM as the database access layer and specifically supports three database types:

The database configuration is specified in the top-level databaseConfig.connection property in the operator configuration. EX:

  name: u/MyRedditAccount


When using a local installation the default database is sqljs, which requires no binary dependencies. When using docker the default is better-sqlite3.

NOTE: It is NOT RECOMMENDED to use sqljs in a production environment for performance reasons. You should at least switch to better-sqlite3 or preferably MySql/Postgres.

For both sqlite types, if no database/location is specified, it will be created in the DATA_DIR directory.

If CM detects it cannot read and write to the database files, or directory if no files exist, it will fallback to using an in-memory database that will be lost when CM restarts. If you have trouble with r/w permissions and are using docker make sure file permissions are correct for your mounted volume.


MySQL/MariaDB connection options

The database you specify should exist before using CM.


Postgres connection options

The database and schema you specify should exist before using CM.


CM implements database migrations. On startup it will check for any pending migrations. If the database doesn't exist (sqlite) or is empty or no tables conflict it will automatically execute migrations.

If there is any kind of conflict it will pause startup and display a prompt in the user interface to confirm migration execution. You should always backup your database before running migrations.

To force CM to always run migrations without confirmation set force to true in the migrations property within databaseConfig:

    force: true # always run migrations


When using a SQLite driver CM can create automatic backups for you. Another prompt will be displayed on the migrations page in the web interface to make a copy of your database. You can make CM automatically backup and continue with migrations like so:

    continueOnAutomatedBackup: true # try to backup sqlite files automatically and continue with migrations if successful

Recorded Event Retention

The Recorded Events CM stores in the database can be controlled per subreddit. By default events will be stored indefinitely.

A Retention Policy is a metric to determine what "range" of Recorded Events CM should keep in the database. It can be either:

  • A number -- The last X number of Recorded Events will be kept
    • EX 1000 -> Keep the last 1000 events and discard any others.
  • A duration -- A time period, starting from now until X duration in the past, for which events will be kept
    • EX 3 months -> Keep all events created between now and 3 months ago. Anything older than 3 months ago will be discarded.

The Retention Policy can be specified at operator level, bot, subreddit override, and subreddit configuration level:

  name: u/MyRedditAccount
  retention: '3 months' # each subreddit will retain 3 months of recorded events
    # all subreddits this bot moderates will have 3 month retention
  - name: u/OneBotAccount
        - name: aSpecialSubredit
            # overrides retention for THIS SUBBREDIT ONLY, will retain last 1000 events
            # -- also overrides any retention set in the subreddit's actual configuration
            retention: 1000 
  - name: u/TwoBotAccount
      retention: '1 month' # overrides top-level rentention for all subeddits this bot moderates

In a subreddit's config:

  - unmoderated

# will retain last 2000 events
# -- will override top-level operator retention or bot-specific retention
# -- will NOT override a subreddit override specified in bot coniguration
retention: 2000 



ContextMod supports writing detailed time-series data to InfluxDB.

This data can be used to monitor the overall health, performance, and metrics for a ContextMod server. Currently, this data can only be used by an Operator as it requires access to the operator configuration and CM instance.

CM supports InfluxDB OSS > 2.3 or InfluxDB Cloud.

Note: This is an advanced feature and assumes you have enough technical knowledge to follow the documentation provided by each application to deploy and configure them. No support is guaranteed for installation, configuration, or use of Influx and Grafana.

Supported Metrics



InfluxDB OSS

  • Install InfluxDB
  • Configure InfluxDB using the UI
    • You will need Username, Password, Organization Name, and Bucket Name later for Grafana setup so make sure to record them somewhere
  • Create a Token with enough permissions to write/read to the bucket you configured
    • After the token is created view/copy the token to clipboard by clicking the token name. You will need this for Grafana setup.


Add the following block to the top-level of your operator configuration:

    url: 'http://localhost:8086' # URL to your influx DB instance
    token: '9RtZ5YZ6bfEXAMPLENJsTSKg==' # token created in the previous step
    org: MyOrg # organization created in the previous step
    bucket: contextmod # name of the bucket created in the previous step


A pre-built dashboard for Grafana can be imported to display overall metrics/stats using InfluxDB data.

Grafana Dashboard

  • Create a new Data Source using InfluxDB type
    • Choose Flux for the Query Language
    • Fill in the details for URL, Basic Auth Details and InfluxDB Details using the data you created in the Influx Setup step
    • Set Min time interval to 60s
    • Click Save and test
  • Import Dashboard
    • Browse the Dashboard pane
    • Click Import and upload the grafana dashboard json file
      • Chose the data source you created from the InfluxDB CM dropdown
      • Click Import

The dashboard can be filtered by Bots and Subreddits dropdowns at the top of the page to get more specific details.