- Meteor updated to 1.4.3
- Added a 404 Not Found route in /imports/api/routes/config.js
- Fixed a naming error in DDPLogging
- Moved the window size reactive dict to its own file under /imports/modules
- Added the global variable DDPLogging to toggle on and off the listening of ddp messages on client
- Added some functions to funcProg.js file
- Set DBTimeZone and DBTimeZoneOffset in funcProg.js to set your database time zone and offset (when you need to normalize documents created on a daily basis for example
- Then use getDBTs to get the corresponding timestamp for your database and getDBDate to get the corresponding date for the database
- Those two functions are very useful to normalize your formated date in documents for all your users all over the world.
- Use comp and pipe to chain function calls (based on reduce() and function curring)
- Use comp to chain functions calls and save the chain for later use
- Example : `let compute = comp( multiplyBy3, add9 ); log( composed( 2 ) ); => 33`
- Use pipe to chain functions calls for an immediate execution
- Example : `pipe( [multiplyBy3, add9], 2 ); // => 33`
- Credits to FlorianBELLAZOUZ
- reduce : an alias for array.reduce using function curring
- Example: `reduce( val=>(val*2) )([1,2,3,4])(0); // iteratee, array, optional initial value for the accumulator`
- Added the DOMManipulation.js file
- Added the parse, stringify and forIn functions to funcProg.js
- Added the pre-installed ejson package
- Patched a missing import of appContext in the client's startup
- First version. Simply extracted from the talkalang project as it was then