Runs Lua scripts under a modified environment that supports a few Luau functions which blocks and logs suspicious & malicious functions. This project should not be deemed 100% safe & reliable for it was developed simply for testing and exemplary purposes.
[7.6.2022] Exunys Sandbox V1.0
You need Lua 5.1.5 to run the sandbox.
• Exunys Sandbox (Sandboxed & Logged @12/24/22 17:01:40)
[+] (3) [loadstring] called with {
String = [=[
local Test = 5
print("Test", Test)
return true
Chunk = nil
[+] (9) [require] called with {
Module = 123456789
[+] (10) [require] called with {
Module = 987654321
[+] (20) [setmetatable] called with {
Table = {
[1] = "Test"
Metatable = {
["__newindex"] = "function: 0000000000B242F0 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]"
[+] (22) [rawset] called with {
Table = {
[1] = "Test"
Index = 1,
Value = "Test2"
[+] (24) [rawget] called with {
Table = {
[1] = "Test2"
Index = 1
[+] (28) [collectgarbage] called with {
Operation = "count",
Arguments = {
[1] = "No Arguments..."
[+] (32) [math] new index {
Table = {
["log"] = "function: 0000000000A5E870 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]",
["max"] = "function: 0000000000A5E780 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]",
["acos"] = "function: 0000000000A5DA30 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]",
["huge"] = 1.#INF,
["ldexp"] = "function: 0000000000A5E390 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]",
["pi"] = 3.1415926535898,
["cos"] = "function: 0000000000A5E3C0 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]",
["tanh"] = "function: 0000000000B20760 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]",
["pow"] = "function: 0000000000A5E7E0 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]",
["deg"] = "function: 0000000000A5E1B0 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]",
["tan"] = "function: 0000000000B20370 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]",
["cosh"] = "function: 0000000000A5E480 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]",
["sinh"] = "function: 0000000000A5E660 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]",
["random"] = "function: 0000000000A5E5D0 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]",
["randomseed"] = "function: 0000000000A5E240 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]",
["frexp"] = "function: 0000000000A5E6C0 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]",
["ceil"] = "function: 0000000000A5E720 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]",
["floor"] = "function: 0000000000A5E300 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]",
["rad"] = "function: 0000000000A5E4B0 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]",
["abs"] = "function: 0000000000A5D6A0 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]",
["sqrt"] = "function: 0000000000B202E0 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]",
["modf"] = "function: 0000000000A5E5A0 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]",
["asin"] = "function: 0000000000A5D550 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]",
["min"] = "function: 0000000000A5E7B0 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]",
["mod"] = "function: 0000000000A5E810 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]",
["fmod"] = "function: 0000000000A5E810 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]",
["log10"] = "function: 0000000000A5E6F0 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]",
["atan2"] = "function: 0000000000A5D730 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]",
["exp"] = "function: 0000000000A5E750 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]",
["sin"] = "function: 0000000000B201C0 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]",
["atan"] = "function: 0000000000A5E900 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]"
Index = "Test",
Value = "function: 0000000000B24EF0 [undefined / closure (anonymous function)]"
[+] (41) Potential crash attempt with [] {
Format = "%v",
Time = nil
[+] (45) [os.execute] called with {
Command = "echo os.execute check failed"
[+] (47) Attempted to terminate program with [os.exit] {
Code = nil
[+] (49) [os.tmpname] called
[+] (51) [string.dump] called with {
Function = "dump"
[+] (55) [hookfunction] called with {
Old Function = "hookfunction",
New Function = "hookfunction"
[+] (87) new index in the global environment {
Index = nil,
Value = "Test"