This project is a fun exploration and a test of the deployment process for interactive apps using Streamlit. It generates a customizable hexagonal lattice pattern based on an input grayscale image, allowing users to experiment with various parameters such as lattice constant, hexagon size, color, and image dimensions. The app can output images in both SVG and PNG/JPG formats, with the option for a transparent background.
- Upload any grayscale image (PNG/JPG).
- Adjustable hexagon lattice parameters:
- Lattice constant (distance between hexagons)
- Hexagon side length
- Image dimensions
- Smoothing and boundary adjustments for the gradient field
- Customizable colors for the hexagons and background, with an option for a transparent background.
- Download generated patterns in high-resolution PNG/JPG or SVG format.
To run this app locally, you’ll need:
- Python 3.x
- Streamlit
- Pillow
- svgwrite
- numpy
- scipy
Install the required packages using:
pip install streamlit Pillow svgwrite numpy scipy
1- Clone this repository:
git clone
2- Run the app with Streamlit:
streamlit run
3- The app will open in your browser, and you can start generating hexagonal lattice patterns!
This project is open-source under the MIT License.
- Added the live demo link:
Feel free to experiment with the code and adjust parameters to create your own unique patterns!