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Sysbox User Guide: Configuration

This document describes Sysbox configuration.

Note that usually you don't need to modify Sysbox's default configuration.


Sysbox Systemd Services

The Sysbox installer starts the Sysbox components automatically as Systemd services.

Sysbox is made up of 3 systemd services:

  • sysbox.service: top level service to start, stop, and restart Sysbox.
  • sysbox-mgr.service: sub-service that starts the sysbox-mgr daemon
  • sysbox-fs.service: sub-service that starts the sysbox-fs daemon

These are usually located in /lib/systemd/system/.

Users normally interact with the top-level sysbox.service to start, stop, and restart Sysbox.

For example, to stop Sysbox you can type:

$ sudo systemctl stop sysbox

NOTE: Make sure all Sysbox containers are stopped and removed before stopping Sysbox, as otherwise they will stop operating properly.

To start Sysbox again you can type:

$ sudo systemctl start sysbox

Users don't normally interact with the sub-services (sysbox-mgr and sysbox-fs), except when you wish to modify command line parameters associated with these (see next section).

Reconfiguration Procedure

Normally users need not worry about reconfiguring Sysbox as the default configuration suffices in most cases. However, there are scenarios where the sysbox-mgr or sysbox-fs daemons may need to be reconfigured.

You can type sudo sysbox-fs --help or sudo sysbox-mgr --help to see the command line configuration options that each take.

For example, when troubleshooting, it's useful to increase the log level by passing the --log-level debug to the sysbox-fs or sysbox-mgr daemons.

The reconfiguration is done by modifying the systemd sub-service associated with sysbox-fs and/or sysbox-mgr (per your needs). Once the systemd sub-service is reconfigured, you restart Sysbox using the top level Sysbox service.

NOTE: Always use the top level Sysbox service to start, stop, and restart Sysbox. Do not do this on the sub-services directly.

For example, to reconfigure Sysbox, do the following:

  1. Stop all system containers (there is a sample script for this here).

  2. Modify the ExecStart command in the appropriate systemd service (sysbox-fs.service or sysbox-mgr.service):

    For example, if you wish to change the log-level of the sysbox-fs service, do the following:

$ sudo sed -i --follow-symlinks '/^ExecStart/ s/$/ --log-level debug/' /lib/systemd/system/sysbox-fs.service
$ egrep "ExecStart" /lib/systemd/system/sysbox-fs.service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/sysbox-fs --log /var/log/sysbox-fs.log --log-level debug
  1. Reload Systemd to digest the previous change:
$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  1. Restart the sysbox (top-level) service:
$ sudo systemctl restart sysbox
  1. Verify the sysbox service is running:
$ sudo systemctl status sysbox.service
● sysbox.service - Sysbox General Service
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/sysbox.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (exited) since Sun 2019-10-27 05:18:59 UTC; 14s ago
  Process: 26065 ExecStart=/bin/true (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 26065 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Oct 27 05:18:59 disco1 systemd[1]: sysbox.service: Succeeded.
Oct 27 05:18:59 disco1 systemd[1]: Stopped Sysbox General Service.
Oct 27 05:18:59 disco1 systemd[1]: Stopping Sysbox General Service...
Oct 27 05:18:59 disco1 systemd[1]: Starting Sysbox General Service...
Oct 27 05:18:59 disco1 systemd[1]: Started Sysbox General Service.

That's it. You can now start using Sysbox with the updated configuration.

Sysbox Configuration Options

As root, type sysbox-mgr --help to get a list of command line options supported by the sysbox-mgr component.

Same for sysbox-fs: sysbox-fs --help.

Sysbox Log Configuration

The Sysbox logs are located at /var/log/sysbox-*.log. You can change the location of the log file via the --log option in both the sysbox-fs and sysbox-mgr daemons.

In addition, the format of the logs can be controlled. By default they are in text format, but you can change them to json format via the --log-format config option in both the sysbox-mgr and sysbox-fs daemons.

Finally, the log-level (info, debug, etc) can be changed via the --log-level option. This is useful for debugging.

Sysbox Data Store Configuration [ v0.3.0+ ]

As part of its operation, Sysbox uses a host directory as a data store. By default, Sysbox uses /var/lib/sysbox, but this can be changed if needed (see below).

Depending on the workloads running on the system containers created by Sysbox, the amount of data stored in the Sysbox data store can be significant (hundreds of MBs to several GBs).

We recommend that the Sysbox data store be no smaller than 10GB, but the capacity really depends on how many system container instances you will be running, whether inside of those containers you will be deploying inner containers, and the size of those inner container images.

For example, when running Docker inside a system container, the inner Docker images are stored in this Sysbox's data store. The size of those can add up quickly. Similarly, when running Kubernetes inside a system container, the Kubelet's data is also stored in the Sysbox's data store.

It's important to understand that this data resides in the Sysbox data store only while the container is running. When the container stops, Sysbox deletes the associated data (containers are stateless by default).

You can change the location of the Sysbox data store by passing the --data-root option to the Sysbox Manager daemon via its associated systemd service (/lib/systemd/system/sysbox-mgr.service):

ExecStart=/usr/bin/sysbox-mgr --data-root /some/other/dir

Once reconfigured, restart the Sysbox systemd service as described in Reconfiguration Procedure above.

Finally: if you create a system container and mount a Docker volume (or a host directory) into the container's /var/lib/docker directory, then the inner Docker images are stored in that Docker volume rather than in the Sysbox data store. This also means that the data can persist across the container's life-cycle (i.e., it won't be deleted when the container is removed). See this section in the quickstart guide for an example of how to do this.

Container Capabilities Configuration [ v0.5.0+ ]

By default, Sysbox assigns process capabilities in the container as follows:

  • Enables all process capabilities for the system container's init process when owned by the root user.

  • Disables all process capabilities for the system container's init process when owned by a non-root user.

This mimics the way capabilities are assigned to processes on a physical host (or a VM) and relieves users of the burden on having to understand what capabilities are needed by the processes running inside the container.

Note that with Sysbox, container capabilities are always isolated from the host via the Linux user-namespace, which Sysbox enables on all containers. This means you can run a root process with full capabilities inside the container in a more secure way than with regular containers. See the security chapter for more on this.

While Sysbox's default behavior for assigning capabilities is beneficial in most cases, it has the drawback that it does not allow fine-grained control of the capabilities used by the Sysbox container init process (e.g., Docker's --cap-add and --cap-drop don't have any effect). In some situations, having such control is beneficial.

To overcome this, starting with Sysbox v0.5.0 it's possible to configure Sysbox to honor the capabilities passed to it by the higher level container manager (e.g., Docker or Kubernetes) via the container's OCI spec.

The configuration can be done on a per-container basis, or globally for all containers.

To do this on a per-container basis, pass the SYSBOX_HONOR_CAPS=TRUE environment variable to the container, as follows:

$ docker run --runtime=sysbox-runc -e SYSBOX_HONOR_CAPS=TRUE --rm -it alpine
/ # cat /proc/self/status | grep -i cap
CapInh: 00000000a80425fb
CapPrm: 00000000a80425fb
CapEff: 00000000a80425fb
CapBnd: 00000000a80425fb
CapAmb: 0000000000000000

To do this globally (i.e., for all Sysbox containers), configure the sysbox-mgr with the --honor-caps command line option (see above. If you set --honor-caps globally, you can always deploy a container with the default behavior by passing environment variable SYSBOX_HONOR_CAPS=FALSE.

Note that while configuring Sysbox to honor capabilities gives you full control over the container's process capabilities (which is good for extra security), the drawback is that you must understand all the capabilities required by the processes inside the container (e.g., if you run Docker inside the Sysbox container, you must understand what capabilities Docker requires in order to operate properly; same if you run systemd inside the container). This can be tricky since such software is complex and may require different capabilities depending on what functions it's performing inside the container.

Speeding up Sysbox by Disallowing Trusted Overlay Xattributes

The overlayfs filesystem is commonly used by container managers (e.g., Docker or Kubernetes) to set up the container's root filesystem. To support file removal, overlayfs uses a concept called whiteouts which relies on setting the trusted.overlay.opaque extended attribute (xattr) on the removed file.

Setting trusted.* xattrs requires a process to have elevated privileges (i.e, CAP_SYS_ADMIN) since they are expected to be set by admin processes, not by ordinary ones. In addition, Linux does not allow trusted.* xattrs to be set from within a user-namespace (even if a process has CAP_SYS_ADMIN within the user-namespace), given that otherwise a regular user could create a user-namespace and set the trusted.* xattr on the file.

This limitation for setting trusted.* xattr from within a user-namespace creates a problem for containers that are secured with the user-namespace, such as Sysbox containers. The reason is that it prevents software such as Docker, which commonly uses overlayfs and sets the trusted.overlay.opaque xattr on files, from working properly inside the Sysbox container.

To overcome this, Sysbox has a mechanism that allows the trusted.overlay.opaque xattr to be set from within a container. It does this by trapping the *xattr() syscalls inside the container (e.g., setxattr, getxattr, etc.) and performing the required operation at host level. This is pretty safe, given that the container processes can only set the trusted.overlay.opaque xattr on files within the container's chroot jail.

The drawback however is that this can impact performance (sometimes severely), particularly in workloads that perform lots of *xattr() syscalls from within the container.

Fortunately, starting with Linux kernel 5.11, overlayfs supports whiteouts using an alternative user.overlay.opaque xattr which can be configured from within a user-namespace (see here) In addition, Docker versions >= 20.10.9 include code that takes advantage of this feature.

Therefore, if your host has kernel >= 5.11 and you run Docker >= 20.10.9 inside a Sysbox container, you don't need Sysbox to trap the *xattr() syscalls, which in turn improves performance (in some cases significantly).

It's possible to configure Sysbox to not trap the *xattr() syscalls. This can be done on a per-container basis by passing the SYSBOX_ALLOW_TRUSTED_XATTR=FALSE environment variable to the container:

$ docker run --runtime=sysbox-runc -e SYSBOX_ALLOW_TRUSTED_XATTR=FALSE --rm -it alpine

In essence, this tells Sysbox to not allow the container to set trusted.overlay.opaque inside the container, which in turn means it won't trap the *xattr() syscalls.

You can also configure this globally (i.e., for all Sysbox containers), by starting the sysbox-mgr with the --allow-trusted-xattr=false command line option (see above. If you set --allow-trusted-xattr=false globally, you can always deploy a Sysbox container with the default behavior by passing environment variable SYSBOX_ALLOW_TRUSTED_XATTR=TRUE.

Ignoring Chowns of Sysfs

Inside a Sysbox container, the /sys directory (i.e., the sysfs mountpoint) shows up as owned by nobody:nogroup (rather than root:root). Moreover, changing the ownership of /sys/ to root:root fails with Operation not permitted. This is due to a technical limitation in Sysbox and the Linux kernel.

$ docker run --runtime=sysbox-runc -it --rm alpine

/ # ls -l / | grep sys
dr-xr-xr-x   13 nobody   nobody           0 Mar 11 23:14 sys

/ # chown root:root  /sys
chown: /sys: Operation not permitted

Though not common, some application that users run inside Sysbox containers (notably the rpm package manager) may try to change the ownership of /sys inside the container. Since this operation fails, the application reports an error and exits.

To overcome this, Sysbox can be configured to ignore chowns to /sys inside the container by passing the SYSBOX_IGNORE_SYSFS_CHOWN=TRUE environment variable to the container, as shown below:

$ docker run --runtime=sysbox-runc -e SYSBOX_IGNORE_SYSFS_CHOWN=TRUE --rm -it alpine

/ # chown root:root /sys
/ # echo $?

/ # ls -l / | grep sys
dr-xr-xr-x   13 nobody   nobody           0 Mar 11 23:17 sys

You can also configure this globally (i.e., for all Sysbox containers), by starting the sysbox-mgr with the --ignore-sysfs-chown command line option (see above.

Note that configuring Sysbox to ignore chown on sysfs requires that Sysbox trap the chown syscall. This can slow down the container, in some cases significantly (i.e., if the processes inside the container perform lots of chown syscalls).

Disabling ID-mapped Mounts on Sysbox

As mentioned in the design chapter, Sysbox uses a Linux kernel feature called ID-mapped mounts (available in kernel >= 5.12) to expose host files inside the (rootless) container with proper permissions.

While not usually required (except for testing or debugging), it's possible to disable Sysbox's usage of ID-mapped mounts by passing the --disable-idmapped-mount option to the sysbox-mgr's command line. See the section on reconfiguration procedure above for further info on how to do this.

Disabling Shiftfs on Sysbox

Shiftfs serves a purpose similar to ID-mapped mounts, as described in the design chapter.

While not usually required (except for testing or debugging), it's possible to disable Sysbox's usage of shiftfs by passing the --disable-shiftfs option to the sysbox-mgr's command line. See the section on reconfiguration procedure above for further info on how to do this.

Sysbox Kernel Parameter Configurations

Sysbox requires some kernel parameters to be modified from their default values, in order to ensure the kernel allocates sufficient resources needed to run system containers.

The Sysbox installer performs these changes automatically.

Below is the list of kernel parameters configured by Sysbox (via sysctl):

fs.inotify.max_queued_events = 1048576
fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 1048576
fs.inotify.max_user_instances = 1048576
kernel.keys.maxkeys = 20000
kernel.keys.maxbytes = 400000