provides the Batch RPC function that is based on the Web3J.
This doc offers several examples to present how to propose batch requests.
The main functions include Transfer Funds
, Call Contracts
, Query Information
, Query Contract
The main idea of sending batch transaction is to create several rawTransactions. The nonce have to be config by ourselves.
Create a web3j client to send batch requests.
The resp are the hash of the transactions. We can use an iterator to get all resp.
public static void test() throws Exception{
Cfx t = Cfx.create("");
Web3j client = HttpService(""));
Account acc = Account.create(t, "fjkaldsdjfasxjvzlkxjczxlkjfas"); //replace with your private key or to export the account from the keystore.
Account.Option option = new Account.Option();
RawTransaction tx = option.buildTx(t, new Address("cfxtest:aajb342mw5kzad6pjjkdz0wxx0tr54nfwpbu6yaj49"), acc.getPoolNonce(), new Address("cfxtest:aar9up0wsbgtw7f0g5tyc4hbwb2wa5wf7emmk94znd"), null);
RawTransaction tx1 = option.buildTx(t, new Address("cfxtest:aajb342mw5kzad6pjjkdz0wxx0tr54nfwpbu6yaj49"), acc.getPoolNonce().add(BigInteger.ONE), new Address("cfxtest:aar9up0wsbgtw7f0g5tyc4hbwb2wa5wf7emmk94znd"), null);
RawTransaction tx2 = option.buildTx(t, new Address("cfxtest:aajb342mw5kzad6pjjkdz0wxx0tr54nfwpbu6yaj49"), acc.getPoolNonce().add(BigInteger.TWO), new Address("cfxtest:aar9up0wsbgtw7f0g5tyc4hbwb2wa5wf7emmk94znd"), null);
RawTransaction tx3 = option.buildTx(t, new Address("cfxtest:aajb342mw5kzad6pjjkdz0wxx0tr54nfwpbu6yaj49"), acc.getPoolNonce().add(BigInteger.valueOf(3)), new Address("cfxtest:aar9up0wsbgtw7f0g5tyc4hbwb2wa5wf7emmk94znd"), null);
String signedTx = acc.sign(tx);
String signedTx1 = acc.sign(tx1);
String signedTx2 = acc.sign(tx2);
String signedTx3 = acc.sign(tx3);
BatchResponse resp = client.newBatch()
The main idea is the same as the Transfer Funds
public static void batchTx() throws Exception {
String addr = "cfxtest:acffj2hwbrwbsxuk56jne9913xvmwj5g4u7syhbfr2";
Cfx cfx = Cfx.create("");
Web3j client = HttpService(""));
Account acc = Account.create(cfx, "fjkaldsdjfasxjvzlkxjczxlkjfas"); //replace with your own private key.
BigInteger amount = BigInteger.valueOf(100);
String data = call(new Address(addr), "transfer", new Address("cfxtest:aar9up0wsbgtw7f0g5tyc4hbwb2wa5wf7emmk94znd").getABIAddress(), new Uint256(amount));
Account.Option option = new Account.Option();
RawTransaction tx = option.buildTx(cfx, new Address("cfxtest:aajb342mw5kzad6pjjkdz0wxx0tr54nfwpbu6yaj49"), acc.getPoolNonce(), new Address(addr), data);
RawTransaction tx1 = option.buildTx(cfx, new Address("cfxtest:aajb342mw5kzad6pjjkdz0wxx0tr54nfwpbu6yaj49"), acc.getPoolNonce().add(BigInteger.ONE), new Address(addr), data);
RawTransaction tx2 = option.buildTx(cfx, new Address("cfxtest:aajb342mw5kzad6pjjkdz0wxx0tr54nfwpbu6yaj49"), acc.getPoolNonce().add(BigInteger.TWO), new Address(addr), data);
String signedTx = acc.sign(tx);
String signedTx1 = acc.sign(tx1);
String signedTx2 = acc.sign(tx2);
BatchResponse resp = client.newBatch()
Query functions return the hex string of the results, which has to be decoded.
public static void queryInfo() throws Exception{
Cfx t = Cfx.create("");
Web3j client = HttpService(""));
BatchResponse resp = client.newBatch()
.add(t.getBalance(new Address("cfxtest:aajb342mw5kzad6pjjkdz0wxx0tr54nfwpbu6yaj49")))
public static void batchQuery() throws Exception {
String addr = "cfxtest:acffj2hwbrwbsxuk56jne9913xvmwj5g4u7syhbfr2";
Cfx cfx = Cfx.create("");
Web3j client = HttpService(""));
ContractCall call = new ContractCall(cfx, new Address(addr));
ContractCall call1 = new ContractCall(cfx, new Address(addr));
ContractCall call2 = new ContractCall(cfx, new Address(addr));
ContractCall call3 = new ContractCall(cfx, new Address(addr));
BatchResponse resp = client.newBatch()
String name = DecodeUtil.decode(resp.getResponses().get(0).getResult().toString(), Utf8String.class);
String symbol = DecodeUtil.decode(resp.getResponses().get(1).getResult().toString(), Utf8String.class);
BigInteger decimals = DecodeUtil.decode(resp.getResponses().get(3).getResult().toString(), Uint8.class);
BigInteger totalSupply = DecodeUtil.decode(resp.getResponses().get(2).getResult().toString(), Uint256.class);