diff --git a/packages/nextjs/app/builders/0x5cc8Be96B1C9A68F57a73b5bEa60cF5D890055A1/page.tsx b/packages/nextjs/app/builders/0x5cc8Be96B1C9A68F57a73b5bEa60cF5D890055A1/page.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index e020984..0000000
--- a/packages/nextjs/app/builders/0x5cc8Be96B1C9A68F57a73b5bEa60cF5D890055A1/page.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-import { NextPage } from "next";
-import { EnvelopeIcon, GlobeAltIcon } from "@heroicons/react/24/outline";
-import { Address } from "~~/components/scaffold-eth";
-const GitHubIcon = () => (
-const BuidlGuidlLogo = () => (
-const styles = {
- container: "min-h-screen p-8 bg-gradient-to-b from-base-200 to-base-300 dark:from-base-300 dark:to-base-200",
- card: "max-w-4xl mx-auto p-12 bg-base-100 rounded-2xl shadow-xl border border-base-300 dark:bg-base-200 dark:border-base-400",
- profileSection: "flex flex-col md:flex-row items-center md:items-start gap-8",
- avatarContainer: "relative group",
- avatar: "w-40 h-40 md:w-48 md:h-48 rounded-2xl shadow-lg transition-transform duration-300 group-hover:scale-105",
- nameSection: "flex-1 text-center md:text-left space-y-2",
- name: "text-4xl font-extrabold text-base-content dark:text-white bg-gradient-to-r from-primary to-secondary bg-clip-text",
- section: "mt-10",
- sectionTitle: "text-2xl font-extrabold mb-6 text-base-content dark:text-white flex items-center gap-2",
- titleIcon: "w-6 h-6 text-primary",
- bio: "text-base-content dark:text-white font-semibold leading-relaxed text-lg",
- highlight:
- "inline-block bg-primary/20 dark:bg-primary/30 text-primary dark:text-primary-content px-3 py-1 rounded-md font-bold",
- socialLinks: "flex gap-6 items-center justify-center md:justify-start mt-8",
- socialIcon:
- "p-3 hover:bg-base-200 dark:hover:bg-base-300 rounded-xl transition-all duration-200 hover:scale-110 hover:shadow-md text-base-content dark:text-white",
- divider: "my-8 border-t border-base-300 dark:border-base-400",
- addressContainer:
- "mt-2 bg-base-200 dark:bg-base-300 py-2 px-4 rounded-lg inline-block text-base-content dark:text-white",
- buidlGuidlLink:
- "flex items-center gap-2 text-base-content dark:text-white hover:text-primary dark:hover:text-primary transition-colors duration-200",
-const builderDetails = {
- name: "Gbolahan Akande",
- address: "0x5cc8Be96B1C9A68F57a73b5bEa60cF5D890055A1",
- bio: (
- <>
- A passionate Web3 developer with experience in{" "}
- Solidity and{" "}
- full-stack development. Currently building{" "}
- decentralized applications and contributing to{" "}
- BuidlGuidl projects. Excited about the future of{" "}
- blockchain technology and its potential to reshape the digital world.
- >
- ),
- avatar: "https://1.gravatar.com/userimage/206352262/e4937825bd2f70cf0335dce4e8792eda?size=256",
- links: {
- github: "gboigwe",
- website: "https://agedevs.netlify.app",
- email: "geakande@gmail.com",
- buidlGuidl: "0x5cc8Be96B1C9A68F57a73b5bEa60cF5D890055A1",
- },
-const GbolahanAkandeBuilderPage: NextPage = () => {
- return (
- {builderDetails.links.buidlGuidl && (
- {/* BuidlGuidl Profile */}
- )}
- {builderDetails.links.github && (
- )}
- {builderDetails.links.website && (
- )}
- {builderDetails.links.email && (
- )}
About Me
- );
-export default GbolahanAkandeBuilderPage;
diff --git a/packages/nextjs/app/page.tsx b/packages/nextjs/app/page.tsx
index 2f1253b..d7da889 100644
--- a/packages/nextjs/app/page.tsx
+++ b/packages/nextjs/app/page.tsx
@@ -2,24 +2,25 @@
import Link from "next/link";
import type { NextPage } from "next";
-import { useContractRead } from "wagmi";
import { BugAntIcon, MagnifyingGlassIcon, RocketLaunchIcon, UserGroupIcon } from "@heroicons/react/24/outline";
import BuildersGrid from "~~/components/batch/BuildersGrid";
-import deployedContracts from "~~/contracts/deployedContracts";
-const BATCH_REGISTRY_ADDRESS = "0x65E42251A2ca0906c640331afd77f45F4682c56C";
-const BATCH_REGISTRY_ABI = deployedContracts[31337].BatchRegistry.abi;
+import { useScaffoldReadContract } from "~~/hooks/scaffold-eth/useScaffoldReadContract";
const Home: NextPage = () => {
- const { data: checkedInCount, isLoading } = useContractRead({
+ const {
+ data: checkedInCount,
+ isLoading,
+ error,
+ } = useScaffoldReadContract({
+ contractName: "BatchRegistry",
functionName: "checkedInCounter",
const displayCount = isLoading ? (
- ) : checkedInCount ? (
+ ) : error ? (
+ "Error loading"
+ ) : typeof checkedInCount === "bigint" ? (
) : (
diff --git a/packages/nextjs/components/batch/BuildersGrid.tsx b/packages/nextjs/components/batch/BuildersGrid.tsx
index d89a507..162be37 100644
--- a/packages/nextjs/components/batch/BuildersGrid.tsx
+++ b/packages/nextjs/components/batch/BuildersGrid.tsx
@@ -7,21 +7,6 @@ interface Builder {
address: string;
-// This needs to be in a server component or API route
-// async function getBuilderAddresses() {
-// const buildersPath = path.join(process.cwd(), 'app/builders');
-// try {
-// const directories = await readdir(buildersPath, { withFileTypes: true });
-// return directories
-// .filter(dirent => dirent.isDirectory())
-// .map(dirent => dirent.name)
-// .filter(name => name.startsWith('0x'));
-// } catch (error) {
-// console.error('Error reading builders directory:', error);
-// return [];
-// }
-// }
// Client component
const BuildersGrid = () => {
const [builders, setBuilders] = useState([]);
diff --git a/packages/nextjs/contracts/deployedContracts.ts b/packages/nextjs/contracts/deployedContracts.ts
index 008d4eb..140dd17 100644
--- a/packages/nextjs/contracts/deployedContracts.ts
+++ b/packages/nextjs/contracts/deployedContracts.ts
@@ -4,6 +4,445 @@
import { GenericContractsDeclaration } from "~~/utils/scaffold-eth/contract";
-const deployedContracts = {} as const;
+const deployedContracts = {
+ 10: {
+ CheckIn: {
+ address: "0x309cccD3d8Cb8869c08c718F8e1FF39398738564",
+ abi: [
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "_batchRegistryAddress",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "constructor",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "batchRegistry",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "contract IBatchRegistry",
+ name: "",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "checkMeIn",
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "owner",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ ],
+ inheritedFunctions: {},
+ },
+ },
+ 31337: {
+ BatchRegistry: {
+ address: "0x5FbDB2315678afecb367f032d93F642f64180aa3",
+ abi: [
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "initialOwner",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "uint16",
+ name: "batchNumber",
+ type: "uint16",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "constructor",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "AlreadyGraduated",
+ type: "error",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "BatchNotOpen",
+ type: "error",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "GraduationClosed",
+ type: "error",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "NotAContract",
+ type: "error",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "NotCheckedIn",
+ type: "error",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "NotInAllowList",
+ type: "error",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "owner",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "OwnableInvalidOwner",
+ type: "error",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "account",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "OwnableUnauthorizedAccount",
+ type: "error",
+ },
+ {
+ anonymous: false,
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: "bool",
+ name: "first",
+ type: "bool",
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "builder",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: false,
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "checkInContract",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "CheckedIn",
+ type: "event",
+ },
+ {
+ anonymous: false,
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "previousOwner",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ {
+ indexed: true,
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "newOwner",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "OwnershipTransferred",
+ type: "event",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "BATCH_NUMBER",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "uint16",
+ name: "",
+ type: "uint16",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "allowList",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "bool",
+ name: "",
+ type: "bool",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "batchGraduationNFT",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "contract BatchGraduationNFT",
+ name: "",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "checkIn",
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "checkedInCounter",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "graduate",
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "graduatedTokenId",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "uint256",
+ name: "",
+ type: "uint256",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "graduationOpen",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "bool",
+ name: "",
+ type: "bool",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "isOpen",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "bool",
+ name: "",
+ type: "bool",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "owner",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "renounceOwnership",
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "toggleBatchOpenStatus",
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "toggleGraduationOpenStatus",
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "newOwner",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "transferOwnership",
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "address[]",
+ name: "builders",
+ type: "address[]",
+ },
+ {
+ internalType: "bool[]",
+ name: "statuses",
+ type: "bool[]",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "updateAllowList",
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "withdraw",
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ name: "yourContractAddress",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ stateMutability: "payable",
+ type: "receive",
+ },
+ ],
+ inheritedFunctions: {
+ owner: "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol",
+ renounceOwnership: "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol",
+ transferOwnership: "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol",
+ },
+ },
+ CheckIn: {
+ address: "0xe7f1725E7734CE288F8367e1Bb143E90bb3F0512",
+ abi: [
+ {
+ inputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "_batchRegistryAddress",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "constructor",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "batchRegistry",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "contract IBatchRegistry",
+ name: "",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "checkMeIn",
+ outputs: [],
+ stateMutability: "nonpayable",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ {
+ inputs: [],
+ name: "owner",
+ outputs: [
+ {
+ internalType: "address",
+ name: "",
+ type: "address",
+ },
+ ],
+ stateMutability: "view",
+ type: "function",
+ },
+ ],
+ inheritedFunctions: {},
+ },
+ },
+} as const;
export default deployedContracts satisfies GenericContractsDeclaration;