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UnityFx.Async changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog; this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[1.1.0] - unleleased


  • Added Promise helper class with promise-specific helpers.
  • Added ThenSequence extensions.
  • Added unhandled exception event for Done promise extensions.
  • Added LoadSceneAsync extension method for AssetBundle.
  • Added AsyncUtility.LoadSceneAsync helper.
  • Added npm support.


  • Fixed build issue for Unity 2018.3.

[1.0.2] - 2019.05.19


  • Fixed AsyncUtility.FrameUpdate not scheduling the callback.

[1.0.1] - 2019.04.09

NOTE: NuGet-only release instead of not published v1.0.0.


  • Deprecated all Task-related extension methods. They are considered out of the library scope.

[1.0.0] - 2019.02.23


  • Added more comments throughout the code.
  • Added Unity 2018.3 support (esp. support all target .NET frameworks in a single Asset Store package).
  • Added await support to YieldInstruction Unity class.
  • Added coroutine helpers (AsyncUtility.FromCoroutine).
  • Added helpers for loading assets from an AssetBundle.
  • Added AsyncUtility.FrameTime await helper.


  • Added DebuggerHidden attribute to some properties/methods to make stack traces a bit more friendly.
  • Renamed AsyncContinuationContext to AsyncCallbackOptions.
  • Renamed web request helper methods (added Async postfix to their names).
  • Moved Unity extension methods to UnityFx.Async.Extensions namespace (previously they were in namespace UnityFx.Async).


  • Fixed web requests null result in cases when downloaded file failed to open.
  • Fixed AsyncUtility.AddCompletionCallback exception when adding new callbacks from another callback.
  • Fixed AsyncUpdateSource implementation to allow adding listeners from a callback.
  • Fixed AsyncCompletionSource.SetProgress implementation to allow setting progress when the operation is not started.


  • Removed many specialized IAsyncOperationCallbacks methods to make the interface as minimalistic as possible (new extension methods are added to compensate).
  • Removed (Try)SetExceptions methods/extensions and FromExceptions helpers.
  • Removed extension methods of the Animation class.
  • Removed WaitAsync extension methods of the Animator class.
  • Dropped MovieTexture support.

[0.9.8] - 2018.11.09


  • AsyncResult is now Task-like type and can be used as async method result value (requires C# 7.2).
  • Added new AsyncResult.FromAction overloads.
  • Added new SynchronizationContext extension methods (PostAsync, InvokeAsync etc).
  • Added extension methods for Socket, WebRequest, Stream BCL classes.


  • Moved BCL extension methods to namespace UnityFx.Async.Extensions (previously they were in namespace UnityFx.Async).


  • Fixed AsyncResult completion callbacks to be called event if OnCompleted throws.
  • Fixed exception not been set for AsyncResult.FaultedOperation and AsyncResult.CanceledOperation.
  • Disabled MovieTexture helpers for iOS/Android (as it is not supported on mobiles).


  • Removed AsyncResultQueue.
  • Removed AsyncLazy.

[0.9.7] - 2018.09.27


  • Added convenience overloads for SetException-like methods accepting as error message string.
  • Added allocation optimizations for single-threaded applications (particularly for Unity3d). See AsyncResult.DefaultSynchronizationContext for more info.
  • Added new overloads for ConfigureAwait extensions accepting continuation options instead of boolean flag.
  • Added SynchronizationContext extension methods for Send/Post accepting Action as the delegate.
  • Added AsyncResult.Yield static method (workd exactly as Task.Yield).
  • Added AsyncUtility.AddFrameCallback helper for scheduling delegates for MonoBehaviour update loop.
  • Signed the assembly with a strong name.
  • Added performance benchmarks.
  • Added sandbox Unity project.


  • Moved several of IAsyncOperationEvents methods to the interface extensions.
  • Simplified AsyncLazy interface.


  • Fixed error handling in AsyncOperationResult.


  • Removed Asset Store samples.
  • Dropped Unity 5.0 support (the minimum version supported is now 5.4).
  • Dropped WWW support for Unity 2018.3+ (it has been deprecated in Unity).

[0.9.6] - 2018.08.31


  • Added Play/Wait extension methods for Animation and Animator.
  • Added AsyncResult.IsStarted helper property.


  • Changed AsyncResult constructors argument order to avoid ambiguity in some cases.
  • Moved the package content to Plugins folder and remove assembly definition file.
  • Moved web request related helpers from AsyncUtility to AsyncWww class.
  • Changed AsyncUtility.SendToMainThread, AsyncUtility.PostToMainThread and AsyncUtility.InvokeOnMainThread implementation to use ConcurrentQueue for net46+ to avoid unnesesary locks.
  • Changed interface of AsyncResultQueue.


  • Removed IAsyncOperationEvents.TryAddCompletionCallback and IAsyncOperationEvents.TryAddProgressCallback methods. These methods are not needed in 99% of cases and may lead to logic errors in multi-threaded environment.

[0.9.5] - 2018.07.31


  • Added IAsyncOperation.Id property for easy operation identification.
  • Added AsyncUtility.GetText and AsyncUtility.GetBytes helpers.
  • Added ToTask extensions for AsyncOperation/UnityWebRequest/WWW.
  • AsyncResult now implements AsyncContinuation to enable easy operation chaining.


  • Fixed compile warnings for Unity 2018.2.


  • Removed ToAsyncXxx extension methods for WWW and UnityWebRequest.
  • Removed MovieTexture related methods for Unity 2018.2 (the class is deprecated now).
  • Removed IAsyncSchedulable interface (it was just another form of IAsyncContinuation).

[0.9.4] - 2018.07.10


  • Added assembly definition file for Unity 2017.3+.
  • Added AsyncResult.FaultedOperation helper.
  • Added AsyncUtility.IsMainThread method.
  • Added AsyncUtility.GetAssetBundle, AsyncUtility.GetTexture, AsyncUtility.AudioClip and AsyncUtility.GetMovieTexture helper methods.
  • Added AssetBundleCreateRequest wrapper operation.
  • Added ThrowIfNonSuccess extension for IAsyncOperation.
  • Added ToEnum extension for IAsyncResult that converts an asynchronous operation (Task, AsyncResult etc) to enumerator.
  • Added IAsyncSchedulable interface - an abstraction of a schedulable entity.
  • Added AsyncLazy helper for initialization operations.


  • Fixed compile warnings for some older Unity versions.
  • Fixed error handling for Unity operation wrappers.


  • Removed AggregateException class for net35.

[0.9.3] - 2018.06.09


  • Added push-based progress reporting support.
  • Added AsyncResult.Delay(float) overloads.
  • Added AsyncCreationOptions.SuppressCancellation option.
  • Added update sources for LateUpdate, FixedUpdate and end-of-frame updates.
  • Added SynchronizationContext for the main thread (if not set by Unity).
  • Added methods AsyncUtility.PostToMainThread, AsyncUtility.SendToMainThread as AsyncUtility.InvokeOnMainThread.
  • Added new FromAction overloads.


  • Significantly reduced number of memory allocations when adding continuations.
  • Changed signature of the IAsyncContinuation.Invoke method.
  • Changed AsyncResult.OnCancel implementation to do nothing (previously it threw NotSupportedException).


  • Fixed exception when removing listeners while in AsyncUpdateSource.OnError / AsyncUpdateSource.OnCompleted / AsyncUpdateSource.Dispose.
  • Fixed AsyncResult.MoveNext to always return true while the operation is not completed.
  • Fixed AsyncResult construction code not working as intended when AsyncCreationOptions are specified.


  • Removed AsyncOperationCallback delegate type.

[0.9.2] - 2018.05.25


  • Added pull-based progress reporting support.
  • Added new methods to IAsyncUpdateSource.
  • Added AsyncUpdateSource class as default IAsyncUpdateSource implementation.
  • IAsyncOperation<T> now inherits IObservable<T>.


  • Changed IAsyncOperation.Exception type to Exception.
  • Changed IAsyncOperationEvents.Completed type to AsyncCompletedEventHandler.


  • Removed ToObservable extension of IAsyncOperation.

[0.9.1] - 2018.05.07


  • Fixed Unity3d script compile errors when targeting .NET 4.x (Issue #1).

[0.9.0] - 2018.04.24


  • Added AsyncContinuationOptions.
  • Added AsyncCreationOptions.
  • Added Promise-like extensions Then, ThenAll, ThenAny, Rebind, Catch, Finally and Done.
  • Added Unwrap extension methods.
  • Added FromTask/FromObservable helpers.
  • Added FromAction helpers.
  • Added ToAsync extension method for IObservable interface.
  • Added TryAddContinuation/RemoveContinuation methods to IAsyncOperationEvents for non-delegate continuations.
  • Added IAsyncUpdatable and IAsyncUpdateSource interfaces.
  • Added Delay/Retry overload that uses IAsyncUpdateSource-based service for time management.
  • Added cancellation support (IAsyncCancellable interface, WithCancellation extension method and many implementation changes).
  • Added Wait/Join overloads with CancellationToken argument.


  • Changed ContinueWith extension signatures to match corresponding Task methods.
  • Changed IAsyncOperation.Exception to always return an exception instance if completed with non-success.
  • Changed AddCompletionCallback/AddContinuation to instance methods (instead of extensions).


  • Fixed exception not initialized properly for canceled operations sometimes.


  • Removed GetAwaiter/ConfigureAwait instance methods from AsyncResult to avoid code duplication (extension methods should be used).
  • Removed all AsyncCompletionSource methods having completedSynchronously argument.

[0.8.2] - 2018-03-28


  • New AsyncResult constructors added.
  • New overloads for AsyncResult.FromResult, AsyncResult.FromCanceled and AsyncResult.FromException methods added.


  • Made optimizations to ToTask extensions implementation for cases when target operation is completed.
  • Marked all assembly classes CLS-compilant.


  • ToTask extensions now throw inner exception instead of the AggregateException in case of an error.
  • Fixed AsyncResult.Delay throwing exception when infinite delay (-1) specified.

[0.8.1] - 2018-03-19


  • Added AsyncResultQueue.Empty event.
  • Added Unity-specific tools for Asset Store.

[0.8.0] - 2018-03-10


  • Added IAsyncCompletionSource.Operation property to match TaskCompletionSource interface.
  • Added new constructor to AsyncResult.
  • Added AsyncResult.Start method to match Task interface.
  • Added AsyncResult.OnStarted virtual method.
  • Added WhenAll/WhenAny static helpers for AsyncResult.
  • Added ConfigureAwait extensions for IAsyncOperation.
  • Added Task extension methods to that convert it to an AsyncResult instance.
  • Added AsyncResult.Retry methods.
  • Added Wait overloads to match Task interface.


  • Removed AsyncResult.TryCreateAsyncWaitHandle helper.


  • Modified AsyncResultAwaiter implementation to throw if the operation was canceled or faulted (to match TaskAwaiter behaviour).
  • Implemented AsyncCompletionSource as a sealed analog of TaskCompletionSource.
  • Removed public completion methods from AsyncResult (moved them to AsyncCompletionSource).
  • Made SpinUntilCompleted an extension method (was AsyncResult instance method).
  • Changed IAsyncOperation.Exception type to AggregateException to match Task.
  • Changed IAsyncOperationEvents.Completed event signature & behaviour to always execute handler (event if it was registered after the comperation has copleted).
  • Removed AsyncResult constructors that accepted exceptions.
  • Changed AsyncResult.Result property to throw AggregateException when faulted or canceled to mathch Task behaviour.


  • AsyncResultQueue now does not remove uncompleted operations from the queue.
  • AsyncResult.Exception now only returns non-null value when the operation is faulted.

[0.7.1] - 2018-02-14


  • Added possibility to store multiple exceptions in AsyncResult.
  • Added AggregateException class for net35 target.
  • Added IsEmpty property to AsyncResultQueue.


  • AsyncResult implemenation is changed to prevent returning null operation result when the operation is completed in some cases.

[0.7.0] - 2018-02-10


  • Added project documentation site (docs folder).
  • Added unit tests project.
  • Added continuations support.
  • Added AppVeyor CI support.
  • Added NuGet deployment.
  • Added GitVersion support.


  • Renamed AsyncOperationStatus values to match TastStatus.

[0.3.1] - 2017-08-01


  • Initial release.