- 🔭 I’m currently working on Mobile Apps Development
- 🌱 I’m currently learning IOS .
- 💬 Ask me about Architecture , Design Patterns , Android , Flutter , IOS , OOP, , Kotlin, Dart , Java , Swift.
- ⚡ Contributer at Open-Bytes
- 📫 How to reach me: follow me from the below links 👇 ,or Direct Call: +201060976248 , in addition to following me here.
- Catch and Poach My libraries or projects in mobile development from blew 🔥 👇
Repo | Description |
Starter Android | **Starter Android ** is a Codebase for your Library with Clean, Testable and Changeable code. |
Image Cropper Library | Image Cropper Library is a Image Picker supports editing and cropping and images with result launcher. |
Repo | Description |
Weather App | Weather App is a Weather App with MVVM architecture. |
Repo | Description |
Starter Flutter | Starter Flutter is a Codebase for your Project with Clean , Testable and Changeable code. |
Repo | Description |
GOF Design Patterns | GOF Design Patterns is a Samples of 23 Design Patterns , every DP has at least one example and Head First Design Pattern Book is Considered in samples. |
Unit Testing Practise | Unit Testing Practise Android Project developed with Unit testing Practise and TDD. |
Android Modular App | Android Modular App Android Project Codebase with Modular Architecture. |