Scripts to run Gaussian Accelerated MD (GAMD) simulations and post-processing
author: Peter M.U. Ung @ MSSM/Yale
vers: 1. 2019.05
See the original webpage and papers for more details:
Hyperdyanmics: Unconstrained Gaussian Accelerated MD simulation method
- Example scripts and AMBER MD setup to run GAMD
- LSF_amber_gamd.XXX-min [ LSF script to run AMBER GAMD simulation in the initial state, plus 4_gamd_init ]
- LSF_amber_gamd.XXX-run [ LSF script to run AMBER GAMD simulation in production state ]
- rerun_amber.csh [ rerun a production run from previous restart file with new number ]
- Required packages:
AMBER # stable: 16+, nvidia V100 CUDA-enabled
cpptraj # github version is better
Contains AMBER scripts to run GAMD simulations. See the LSF scripts within for submission to HPC.
Example data
Processed Data files of GAMD Energy and Structural Metrics. The Energy and Metric files should have matching number of data points. /b_orig_data contains the original dataset, 32,000 data points from 2 trajectories of 320ns GAMD run, taken at 20-ps interval. /b_data is the strip-down version of /b_orig_data, 16,000 data points each, taken at 40-ps interval.
Example results
- 2D heatmaps of free energy and conformational population landscapes image files. Compare the two sets, you will see the strip-down version has less detail and some of the less-populated states are not shown.
- This is also an example of the effect of under-sampling when generating the result. Recommend to take data from no less than 20-ps interval and at least 500-ns worth of data for short peptide analysis. For larger system with large-scale movement, larger interval would be okay.
- Collect and Preparae the Weighted GAMD parameters from various GAMD trajectories
-mf <a b c d ...> [ parent folder(s) of GAMD data ]
-sf <a b c d ...> [ subfolder(s) of GAMD data ]
-log <a b c d ...> [ raw GAMD Energy log file(s) ]
-o <prefix> [ output prefix of processed GAMD Energy data ]
-t <310> [ simulation temperature K (def: 310) ]
-s <1> [ interval of data point to take (def: 1) ]
-h, --help [ show this help message and exit ]
e.g.> \
-mf 1_v16 2_v16a 3_v16r 4_v16ar \
-sf 1_run 2_run \
-log gamd.1.log.bz2 gamd.2.log.bz2 gamd.3.log.bz2 \
-o fgf21_vars_gamd_weighted \
-t 310 \
-s 1
- Preparation of the converted GAMD Energy summary file from individual raw GAMD Energy files found in folders/subfolders. Each raw file has header comments and the initial GAMD file (4_gamd_init) has a row of 0.00000000 that needs to be removed. This script takes care of that.
- This script also converts the GAMD energy from eV to kcal/mol at the Temperature used in the simulation, as instructed in the GAMD manual: prepare_gamd_log.txt
## For AMBER 14+
## shell script to convert data in gamd.log into formatted data
awk 'NR%1==0' gamd.log | awk '{print ($8+$7)/(0.0019872036*310)" " $2 " " ($8+$7)}' > gamd.weights.dat
- Running at this level of the directory structure*
| | |_____gamd.2.log.bz2
| | |_____gamd.3.log.bz2
| |
| |_____2_run_____gamd.1.log.bz2
| |_____ ...
|---2_v16a___1_run_____ ...
| |_____2_run_____ ...
|---3_v16r___ ...
|---4_v16ar__ ...
- See the example file: test_step_1.gamd_prepare_file.csh
- Analysis of GAMD trajectories to generate 1D energy results - estimation of energy well-depth
-inp <input list> [ list of input files ]
-col <column> [ column number to be read ]
-gamd <GAMD weight file> [ GAMD weight file ]
-Emax <Emax> [ Max energy above 0 kcal/mol (def: 4) ]
-pwd <path> [ path to working directory, beware of characters' \()' (def: ./) ]
-dir <path> [ path to data file, on top of -pwd (def: ./) ]
-bin <bin size> [ General bin size for X-axes (def: 0.5) ]
-Xdim <Xmin Xmax> [ Data-range in X-dimension (def: auto) ]
-temp <temperature> [ Temperature K (def: 310) ]
-histcut <histo cutoff> [ Data cutoff (def: 25) ]
-contour <contour> [ Figure Contour per integer (def: 4) ]
-smooth <smooth> [ Contour smoothening (def: None | Sug: 1.15) ]
-dpi <dpi> [ Figure Resolution (def: 200) ]
-img <img> [ Figure image format: png|svg|eps|pdf (def: png) ]
-h, --help [ show this help message and exit ]
e.g.> ./ \
-inp ./orig_data/step_2.1d_gamd_generation_data.orig.list \
-gamd fgf21-v16-s2.all_gamd.weights.dat.bz2 \
-col 2 \
-Emax 5 \
-dir orig_data \
-bin 0.5 \
-temp 310
- This script generates the GAMD result in 1D figures. It is only used to calculate and visual the maximum depth of the energy well (Emax) for use in generating energy landscape in 2D analysis.
- See the example file: test_step_2.gamd_1d_generation_data.orig.csh
- Analysis of GAMD trajectories to generate 1D energy results - estimation of energy well-depth
-inp <input list> [ list of input files ]
-col <column> [ column number to be read ]
-gamd <GAMD weight file> [ GAMD weight file ]
-Emax <Emax> [ Max energy above 0 kcal/mol (def: 4) ]
-pwd <path> [ path to working directory, beware of characters' \()' (def: ./) ]
-dir <path> [ path to input data, on top of -pwd (def: ./) ]
-job <reweight method> [ Reweighting method: noweight, weighthist, amd_time, amd_dV,
amdweight, amdweight_MC, amdweight_CE
(Def: amdweight_CE) ]
-temp <temperature> [ Temperature K (def: 310) ]
-bin <bin size> [ General bin size for both X/Y axes (def: 0.5) ]
-Xbin <Xbin size> [ Bin size on X-axis, supersede -bin (def: auto) ]
-Ybin <bin size> [ Bin size on Y-axis, supersede -bin (def: auto) ]
-Xdim <Xmin Xmax> [ Data range of X-dimension (def: auto) ]
-Ydim <Ymin Ymax> [ Data range of Y-dimension (def: auto) ]
-Pmax <Pmax> [ Max Population percentage (def: 5) ]
-order <MC order> [ Order of MC formula (def: 10) ]
-fit <Fit switch> [ Fitting data (default: False) ]
-histcut <histo cutoff> [ Data cutoff (def: 25) ]
-contour <contour> [ Figure Contour per integer step (def: 4) ]
-smooth <smooth> [ Contour smoothening (def: None | Sug: 1.15) ]
-dpi <dpi> [ Figure Resolution (def: 200) ]
-img <img> [ Figure image format: png|svg|eps|pdf (def: png) ]
-h, --help [ show this help message and exit ]
e.g.> ./ \
-inp ./orig_data/step_2.2d_gamd_generation_data.orig.list \
-gamd fgf21-v16-s2.all_gamd.weights.dat.bz2 \
-col 2 \
-Emax 4 \
-dir orig_data \
-job amdweight_CE \
-bin 0.5 \
-Xbin 0.25 \
-Pmax 5 \
-temp 310 \
-smooth 1.2 \
-contour 4
- This script is the MAIN script to summarize GAMD results into 2D figures of free energy and conformational population landscapes. It takes the prepared GAMD Energy summary file and Structural Metrics to generate landscape files.
- See the example file: test_step_2.gamd_2d_generation_data.orig.csh
2D energy landscape plot to identify potential energy wells and activation energy barrier sampled in GAMD runs.
- One key thing about the conformational free energy landscape (measured in potential-of-mean force) is that GAMD has to have accessed that particular conformation in order to get an energy value. If GAMD couldn't sample a particular space, either due to undersampling from "too-short" simulations, or it is energetically inaccessable for GAMD, then there would be a gapping "high-energy" hole in the middle of a low-energy well. In that case, either extend the simulation, or change the size of '-bin' so that with averaging of a different size of group, the missing "hole" can be removed.
2D Conformational density plot to identify clusters of population actually sampled frequently in GAMD runs.
- This is a direct representation of the GAMD sampling. In cases where the free-energy minima are accessible in the simulation conditions, the free-energy minima should correspond to the population density. This indicates that the measured region is conformationally well-behaved. However, if the free-energy minima is not really accessible due to either conformational constraints or lowe frequency of accessing due to high entropy, then the free-energy landscape and conformational density plots will be different. This is a tell-tale sign that the measured region has high entropy/flexibility.
- When the x- and y-axis parameters were chosen that correctly reflect the energetically relevant conformational changes, the free-energy landscape (potential-of-mean force plot, above) and conformational population landscape plot (below) would see well defined clusters of population.
- Extract the quantitative number of population in the designated area in the density map
-in <X-input Y-input> [ Input data files ]
-col <column> [ Column number in file to read ]
-list <range list> [ List of X- and Y-ranges to collect, x-/y-ranges
separated by delimiters ',|;|:' ]
-pwd <work directory> [ Path to working directory, beware of characters' \()' (def: ./) ]
-skip <skip line> [ Skip every other X input lines (def: 0) ]
-xrange <xmin xmax> [ Range of X-dimension to collect ] * not use if -list
-yrange <ymin ymax> [ Range of Y-dimension to collect ] * not use if -list
-h, --help [ show this help message and exit ]
# example input for -list file:
# 0 1 , 3 5.5 # population_1: x-range [0, 1] ; y-range [3, 5.5]
# 3.5 6.0 ; 3 5.5 # population_2: x-range [3.5,6.0] ; y-range [3, 5.5]
# 3.5 5.0 : 10 15 # population_2: x-range [3.5,5.0] ; y-range [10, 15]
e.g.> ./ \
-in ./data/fgf21-v16-s2-cp.all.204-208.rmsd.txt.bz2 ./data/fgf21-v16-s2-cp.all.dist_p205-w208.txt.bz2 \
-col 2 \
-list ./data/step_3.gamd_popul_amount.list
# X-range [ 0.0 , 1.0 ] | Y-range [ 0.0 , 4.0 ]
% Population: 36.15
# X-range [ 1.0 , 3.0 ] | Y-range [ 0.0 , 4.0 ]
% Population: 20.29
# X-range [ 1.0 , 4.0 ] | Y-range [ 4.0 , 10.0 ]
% Population: 40.53
# % Total Population: 96.98
- This script counts the frequency MD frames falling within specified ranges in a 2D landscape. This is essentially binning to see what is the size of different conformational populations.
- See the example file: test_step_3.gamd_popul_amount.csh
Population number extracted from the heatmap
Double-mutant thermodynamics cycle
- Running scripts with calculations that are used by the main scripts # from original script # modified from, settings are handled by 2_gamd_reweight_run2d.csh
- These are the acutal analysis scripts that scripts call. They are now modified for use with Python 3.6+.
- They are modernized from the original analysis script (python2.6-, ca.2014) to enhance the image generation capacity. # from original script
- is the precursor script and is not used by
- Required packages:
anmber # 16+
cpptraj # Github version
csh/tcsh # shell
python # stable: 3.7.2
numpy # stable: 1.16.4
scipy # stable: 1.2.1
pandas # stable: 0.24.1+
csv # stable: 1.0
matplotlib # stable: 3.1.0
tqdm # stable: 4.32.1
pathos # stable: 0.2.3
argparse # stable: 1.1